Problems when compiling with Cg support

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Problems when compiling with Cg support

Post by radical-dev »

Hi all,

i've a problem with compiling the engine with the flag _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_CG_ enabled:

Code: Select all

CD3D9Driver.cpp(3204): error C2259: 'irr::video::CD3D9CgMaterialRenderer': Instanz von abstrakter Klasse kann nicht erstellt werden
1>          aufgrund folgender Member:
1>          "bool irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setVertexShaderConstant(const irr::c8 *,const bool *,int)": ist abstrakt
1>          D:\Projektordner\irrlicht-trunk\include\IMaterialRendererServices.h(69): Siehe Deklaration von 'irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setVertexShaderConstant'
1>          "bool irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setPixelShaderConstant(const irr::c8 *,const bool *,int)": ist abstrakt
1>          D:\Projektordner\irrlicht-trunk\include\IMaterialRendererServices.h(93): Siehe Deklaration von 'irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices::setPixelShaderConstant'
I'm using DX SDK Jun 2010 and Cg Toolkit 3.1 (same error at 3.0). Am i missing anything?

Thx in advance


EDIT: Using latest revision from SVN :)
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Re: Problems when compiling with Cg support

Post by Nadro »

This is an engine bug. Thanks for report. I'll fix it today.
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Re: Problems when compiling with Cg support

Post by radical-dev »

Ah OK - thought i missed sth :)

EDIT: Happens with OGL-Driver too
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Re: Problems when compiling with Cg support

Post by Nadro »

I fixed this problem. Check the latest trunk. Thanks again for a report.
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Re: Problems when compiling with Cg support

Post by radical-dev »

Works like a charm now :)

Thx for fixing it so fast!

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