I've made a 60x60 field of cubes with the following code (Tile class is a simple wrapper for addCubeSceneNode).
Code: Select all
for(int i =-15; i < 45; i++){
for(int j = -15; j < 45; j++){
tile = new Tile(vector3df(i*5.f,-5.f,j*5.f));
When I see cubes which were created first, I get 60 FPS but when I see last created cubes I'm getting a FPS drop to 7-10. Why does it happens? I thought that hidden objects are being culled by frustum so with a top down view like this everything should be fine..
Next if I use the mesh combiner from this forum, the FPS will be OK but I will not be able to access the scene nodes anymore (to change textures etc) right?
Maybe it's better to use a planes for the ground level instead of cubes?
a screenshot (notice the fraps fps counter): http://i.imgur.com/f51m7JF.png
here is a precompiled demo: http://www.mediafire.com/download/eshhw ... fy/Map.zip