I'm currently breaking my balls on my laptop. I searched for 2 hours before posting this, so if an existing topic exists about this subject, I'm sorry xD
I have the following problem :
I found a cool mesh with 40 animations made with cinema4D. The folder contains one project per animation and the base project that contains the unanimated mesh.
Each animation project duplicate the base project. (looooooool).
So, I'm trying to load the base mesh (that contains its bones etc) with the .x loader and after I would like to concat all the animations of the other meshes with my base mesh. It's like I want to add keys to the existing joints of the base mesh I loaded.
I hope you understand lol.
So, I tried some methods, but finally don't understand how the ISkinnedMesh interface works, since it is not enough documented.
The method I'm searching is:
Code: Select all
ISkinnedMesh *myBaseMesh; // The base mesh unanimated but containing its bones
ISkinnedMesh *myOtherMesh; // That contains the jump animation for example
for each joint of myBaseMesh {
for each joint of myOtherMesh {
copyAnimationInformations(myOtherMesh to myBaseMesh);
Can anyone tell me what is the road I have to take ?
Thank you !