Hi The_Glitch! This is looking really cool!
You have made me decide to go back to CG or HLSL for Irrlicht!
(I've got the CG "Wrapper" so I'll try)
I'm going to go CG now.. Ill post my last GLSL stuff first.
Try rendering your normals as "Range Compressed" pixels..
and seeing if they look "Right", then tweak..
Do you have the light connected to the camera?
(a must for tests)
I don't know if you've got my previous post download but
in there you can see how..
It is GLSL but is fundamentally the same..
This is a good example of which matrices go where form IRR point of view. GLSL makes no diffs.
Ill keep you posted on my progress.
(by the way.. if you know how to feed MORE THAN FOUR IMAGES to a GLSL shader let me know pleeease)
Those "over-bright highlights" looks like something was not normalized ????
Also note the "Normal Map Standard" used i.e. Y-UP vs Y-DOWN..
Matrices.. (which ones to use where)
I've done some work in CG under my own win 32 Opengl Programs
so I cant give you any verbatim answers but I think the following should help..
Here is a piece of CG code that I designed in Nvidia Composer back in the day..
It uses all the elements you seem to use in your code and it rendered "physically correct".
I hope it helps! (first try delete the things you dont need)
I know youll make sense of it. (did the tangent update work?)
Code: Select all
// data from application vertex buffer..
struct appdata
{float3 Position : POSITION;
float4 UV : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Normal : NORMAL;
float4 Tangent : TANGENT0;
float4 Binormal : BINORMAL0;
// data passed from vertex shader to pixel shader..
struct vertexOutput
{float4 HPosition : POSITION;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;
// The following values are passed in "World" coordinates since
// it tends to be the most flexible and easy for handling
// reflections, sky lighting, and other "global" effects.
float3 LightVec_001 : TEXCOORD1;
float3 WorldNormal : TEXCOORD2;
float3 WorldTangent : TEXCOORD3;
float3 WorldBinormal : TEXCOORD4;
float3 WorldView : TEXCOORD5;
float3 LightVec_002 : TEXCOORD6;
float3 LightVec_003 : TEXCOORD7;
// This optional value expresses the current location in "light"
// coordinates for use with shadow mapping.
float4 LProj : LPROJ_COORD;
#endif /* USE_SHARED_SHADOW */
// =============== VERTEX PROGRAM =================
vertexOutput std_VS(appdata IN)
{vertexOutput OUT = (vertexOutput)0;
OUT.WorldNormal = mul(WorldITXf,IN.Normal).xyz;
OUT.WorldTangent = mul(WorldITXf,IN.Tangent).xyz;
OUT.WorldBinormal = mul(WorldITXf,IN.Binormal).xyz;
float4 Po = float4(IN.Position.xyz,1);
float3 Pw = mul(WorldXf,Po).xyz;
OUT.LightVec_001 = (Lamp0Pos - Pw);
OUT.LightVec_002 = (Lamp1Pos - Pw);
OUT.LightVec_003 = (Lamp2Pos - Pw);
OUT.UV = float2(IN.UV.x,(1.0-IN.UV.y));
#else /* !FLIP_TEXTURE_Y */
OUT.UV = IN.UV.xy;
#endif /* !FLIP_TEXTURE_Y */
float4 Pl = mul(ShadowViewProjXf,Pw); // "P" in light coords
float4x4 BiasXf = make_bias_mat(ShadBias);
OUT.LProj = mul(BiasXf,Pl); // bias to make texcoord
#endif /* USE_SHARED_SHADOW */
OUT.WorldView = normalize(float3(ViewIXf[0].w,ViewIXf[1].w,ViewIXf[2].w) - Pw);
OUT.HPosition = mul(WvpXf,Po);
return OUT;
// =============== FRAGMENT SHADER =================
void phong_shading(vertexOutput IN,
float3 LightColor_01,
float3 LightColor_02,
float3 LightColor_03,
float3 Nn,
float3 Ln_01,
float3 Ln_02,
float3 Ln_03,
float3 Vn,
out float3 DiffuseContrib_01,
out float3 DiffuseContrib_02,
out float3 DiffuseContrib_03,
out float3 SpecularContrib_01,
out float3 SpecularContrib_02,
out float3 SpecularContrib_03
float3 Hn_01 = normalize(Vn + Ln_01);
float3 Hn_02 = normalize(Vn + Ln_02);
float3 Hn_03 = normalize(Vn + Ln_03);
float4 litV_01 = lit(dot(Ln_01,Nn),dot(Hn_01,Nn),SpecExpon);
float4 litV_02 = lit(dot(Ln_02,Nn),dot(Hn_02,Nn),SpecExpon);
float4 litV_03 = lit(dot(Ln_03,Nn),dot(Hn_03,Nn),SpecExpon);
DiffuseContrib_01 = litV_01.y * LightColor_01;
DiffuseContrib_02 = litV_02.y * LightColor_02;
DiffuseContrib_03 = litV_03.y * LightColor_03;
float3 SpecularMapped = tex2D(SpecularSampler,IN.UV).rgb;
SpecularContrib_01 = litV_01.y * litV_01.z * Ks * LightColor_01 * SpecularMapped;
SpecularContrib_02 = litV_02.y * litV_02.z * Ks * LightColor_02 * SpecularMapped;
SpecularContrib_03 = litV_03.y * litV_03.z * Ks * LightColor_03 * SpecularMapped;
float4 std_PS(vertexOutput IN) : COLOR
float3 diffContrib_01;
float3 diffContrib_02;
float3 diffContrib_03;
float3 specContrib_01;
float3 specContrib_02;
float3 specContrib_03;
float3 Ln_01 = normalize(IN.LightVec_001);
float3 Ln_02 = normalize(IN.LightVec_002);
float3 Ln_03 = normalize(IN.LightVec_003);
float3 Vn = normalize(IN.WorldView);
float3 Nn = normalize(IN.WorldNormal);
float3 Tn = normalize(IN.WorldTangent);
float3 Bn = normalize(IN.WorldBinormal);
float3 bump = Bump * (tex2D(NormalSampler,IN.UV).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5));
float3 VertNormal = Vn;
Nn = Nn + bump.x*Tn + bump.y*Bn;
Nn = normalize(Nn);
phong_shading(IN,Lamp0Color, Lamp1Color, Lamp2Color,
Nn,Ln_01, Ln_02, Ln_03,
Vn,diffContrib_01, diffContrib_02, diffContrib_03,
specContrib_01, specContrib_02, specContrib_03 );
// == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == =
float3 diffuseColor = tex2D(ColorSampler,IN.UV).rgb;
// diffContrib_01 *= DiffuseMultiplier;
// diffContrib_02 *= DiffuseMultiplier;
// diffContrib_03 *= DiffuseMultiplier;
diffuseColor *= DiffuseMultiplier;
//float shadowed = tex2Dproj(DepthShadSampler,IN.LProj).x;
//float faded = 1.0-(ShadDens*(1.0-shadowed));
//diffContrib_01 *= (faded); // JACQUES..
//specContrib_01 *= shadowed;
#endif /* USE_SHARED_SHADOW */
float3 result = specContrib_01+(diffuseColor*(diffContrib_01));
result += specContrib_02+(diffuseColor*(diffContrib_02)); // CHECK THIS OUT!!
result += specContrib_03+(diffuseColor*(diffContrib_03)); // CHECK THIS OUT!!
float3 R = reflect(Vn,Nn);
float3 reflColor = Kr * texCUBE(EnvSampler,R.xyz).rgb;
float3 Reflop = (tex2D(ReflopSampler,IN.UV).xyz);
reflColor.xyz *= Reflop.xyz; // DO THIS AGAIN!!
float3 FinalOutput;
float3 Emmision = ( tex2D( EmmisionSampler,IN.UV ).rgb ) ;
result.xyz += Emmision.xyz;
result += reflColor;
result.x *= RedFilter; result.y *= GreenFilter; result.z *= BlueFilter;
float3 NormalOut;
NormalOut = ( tex2D( NormalSampler,IN.UV ).rgb ) ;
if (RenderMode == 1) {FinalOutput = result;}
if (RenderMode == 2) {FinalOutput = NormalOut;}
if (RenderMode == 3) {FinalOutput = specContrib_01 + specContrib_02 + specContrib_03;}
if (RenderMode == 4) {FinalOutput = (Ln_01 / 2) + 0.5;}
if (RenderMode == 5) {FinalOutput = (VertNormal / 2) + 0.5;}
if (RenderMode == 6) {FinalOutput = (Tn / 2) + 0.5;}
if (RenderMode == 7) {FinalOutput = (Bn / 2) + 0.5;}
if (RenderMode == 8) {FinalOutput.xyz = bump.z;}
if (RenderMode == 9) {FinalOutput = (-R / 2) + 0.5;}
if (RenderMode == 10) {FinalOutput = result;}
return float4(FinalOutput,1);