So I finally did theses shaders myself and I publish they here.
The archive with my shaders and the .cpp codes to use it (unix makefile, for windows, lets see the tutorial):
google drive
All this code is free, do what you want with it (but maybe the 3d model is'nt).
The result is:
Only basic Phong shader:
Same with diffuse, specular, normal and emission textures:
Support for multiple light (max number fixed by user or automatically detected)
cubemap added to make a fake reflect:
With a bloom (light glow) effect:
These shader have very hight performaces ! I tested it, and it works with around 60 FPS on a small laptop (AMD A1 and graphic chipset)
Principe of Phong shader is explained here:
lighting with glsl
phong model
Rotation matriix:
rotation matrix, transformations
Edit: Render issue for bloom sample size over 256 px FIXED ! (see this post