Yeah shadows have a problem when the camera light and object are in a line. Not quite sure right now if it was camera behind light or light behind camera. Also note that this kind of shadows only works for closed object (the kind where you could keep water inside).
It was when the camera was inside the shadow volume, there is a parameter that fixed this though, the "useZfailMethod", the third parameter of "addShadowVolumeSceneNode". By default is set to false, try setting it to "true"
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt
Thanks for your help. Already better. I was setted "useZfailMethod" in false. Now shadows like 3d object. But safe few problems(p).
p1- With 2-sides faces. I can,t take control on this process in my big model. I wish use 2-sided material (if it work in shadow mapping) or I may be can flip normals in run cycle. How flip normals? BACK_FACE_CULLING not work for this purpose. May be it will help me.
p2 - How make closed object? I'm use 3ds models. May be created object as "solid" in 3ds . Or I mast use another format of model for this. (Welding don't help me)
And, me liked idea of making shadows like mesh. Before, I think use rendered shadow ))
and p3 - Ambient light. How make it? I't is may be? ))