andreee wrote:I am using irrlicht 1.8.3-2, running on archlinux, integrated intel gfx on i7.
Light updtating was fixed in later versions since updateAbsolutePosition() was not performed on lights early enough for changes in transformation (as things like animators would require). Try updating to the latest version. If you insist on using the older one, updating the position and target requires:
Code: Select all
ILightSceneNode* i = my_light_scene_node;
i->setRadius( i->getLightData().Radius );
Basically, setting the radius to itself forces the call of the protected member method CLightSceneNode::doLightRecalc(), which resets the light position and fixes the direction, I believe.
edit: Wait... What kind of light are you using (point, directional, or spot)? If the light is attached to the scene node and the light is directional, then it will rotate with its parent node.
edit: Oh. Point lights are standard, I see. The position moves at least.