There was only one entry this month so... well; congratulations vectrotek.
Winning entry:
Vectrotek - Langenhoven's Island..
mmm my brain can't parse what SSR means but the game is interesting, on one hand it's the worst fallout game ever made... On the other hand it's a really good borderlands; I'd share some of the screenshots I've taken [heavily modded, mind] but... frankly this isn't the right thread. whelp back to coding.Vectrotek wrote:You must be enjoying all those SSRs?
(I cant play, just looked at screenshots)
mmm yes, wisdom would be good.Vectrotek wrote:Oh, Yeah! Post some shots in "Off Topic" or "Everything Game Prog"..
(also'd like to see your Irrlicht shots here)Just might post some Fallout 4 screenshots in off-topic (mostly take them as inspiration though, whenever I find something neat (or buggy) in any game I screenshot it for future reference), as for irrlicht renders: don't have anything fancy, most of my code is back-end stuff (i.e I spend very little time on making my renders look /good/ I just need to render something so I know if my back-end works)
Vectrotek wrote:As for this thread, I don't think I'll be posting any Irrlicht shots soon or at least until I've got my head wrapped around SSR..
(now all we need is for "devsh" to be nice and pour his "Triangulated Fragpos" wisdom upon us)
I'm trying to figure out how to buy their B A W from the RSA.. (In my "must do" list for 2017)
(if I survive this looming surgery that is)