CuteAlien wrote:Well - maybe your callstack in the debugger can give you some idea? It should at least be easy to see there if any pointers look strange (most likely pointer with troubles here is obviously "smgr").
What is the "named method of loading media and reusing"? Sorry, i'm not getting what you are talking about there
A) I'll look into it, but I have tested smgr with other functions and it's working fine. It's also the root pointer for the device.
B) er, probably me, like with textures where you can load them once whilst giving name, then use by name... Its something I'm aware of but not made full use of yet, I "assumed" it'd be the same with meshes, but hmm not seeing them now I'm looking.
I had a quick play last night, and this is only happening with one game class, so I have new routes to track down, but later.
Thanks, I'll report back once I find my issue...
@Blueman27, this singleton class holds the original pointer to each irr device*, then it also provides direct access to them. Never had an issue with the device pointers and testing here doesn't indicate that being the issue here.