I think the demo is looking pretty good. unfortunately the video was pretty poor but oh well, it was free
the object system is unique I think, not necessarily good, just unique. I have some vision around what the end program will be and the object system will work well with it.
in the mean time, the system uses Irrlicht 1.8 (mostly because I have not figured out which is the latest irrlicht branch to work with, maybe someone will write a tutorial about grabbing the latest fork and compiling)
I only made a few changes to the irrlicht source
1) any mouse click into a gui element should set it as the focus imho
2) modified the device stub onpostevent() so that I control where the events are routed a little better
in particular, I have a desktop class that needs mouse movement and clicks before the gui (for resizing, positioning and allowing drag and drop capability to the gui elements)
3) added a few color overrides for some of the gui elements (actually I think I added tot he core guielement class) so that I can have colored text on any gui element
other than that I think it is mostly core Irrlicht.
I might very well make good use of the trailing zero stuff. sometimes it is hard to fit all of the gui elements on the screen space (which is why I had to create resizing windows)