CuBridge - Copper wrapper for Irrlicht

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CuBridge - Copper wrapper for Irrlicht

Post by chronologicaldot »

Want to write a GUI the easy way? Try Copper and Copper's Irrlicht GUI wrapper CupricBridge.
I guess I forgot to announce this a long time ago. Copper (not to be mistaken for another programming language by the same name) is my object-oriented scripting language designed for ease of reading and writing. Admittedly, it runs slow, but it's addicting to code in, so it's best used for initial application setup (e.g. building the GUI).
Don't feel like writing boiler plate code? That's done too: Curri. It's all set up to allow you to run applications with multiple Copper files and loads and loops the Irrlicht engine for you.

Note: I believe there are some slight modifications to Irrlicht that need to be made to get it to fully work. These are to IGUIElement and EGUIAlignment. You can find these in the IrrExtensions include directory.

Sample project

Note in the sample project that Copper uses the Irrlicht serialization names for the attributes when setting GUI element attributes. Nice and simple, no? It'll be the same with your own custom GUI elements, which Copper will be able to create using gui_create as long as you create a GUI element factory and add it to the GUI environment.
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