How to change texture UV coords on plane-mesh without help shaders (because i need to launch on retro-pc with voodoo 3dfx).
Also i need to enable flag GL_REPEAT (for unlimited scroll texture)
The other way is going over the material when drawing. SMaterial has a setTextureMatrix function which allows you set a matrix which modifies the texture drawing.
SMaterialLayer (in SMaterial you got a member TextureLayer which has one SMaterialLayer per texture) has TextureWrapU and TextureWrapV members. They can be set to irr::video::ETC_REPEAT, thought that is the default already so you'll only need it to set one of the other E_TEXTURE_CLAMP values: ... f84b39811f
Yeah, that's for 3d transformations. Look at all the matrix functions which have "texture" in the name, those will work with the kind of matrix you'll need here.
Do you try to do that at the same time? If so - don't. I've not checked right now, but could be values do overwrite each other and you can only set them independent and then mulitply the matrixes to get a combined result.