IrrBullet doesn't work with Irrlicht in Code::Blocks

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IrrBullet doesn't work with Irrlicht in Code::Blocks

Post by Hsyenoh05 »

I built both IrrBullet and Bullet using Code::Blocks and MinGW, Irrlicht works perfectly while IrrBullet crashes the program whenever I compiled it, I changed the linker settings many times and tried everything and nothing seemed to work :( , Any help on that is appreciated.
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Re: IrrBullet doesn't work with Irrlicht in Code::Blocks

Post by CuteAlien »

That's not enough information. What program crashes? Yours or code::blocks? Are there any errors? If your program crashes - where does it crash? It should show you the place usually (at least in debug). Please post that code (and the code around it).
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