In search of a project

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In search of a project

Post by Noiecity »

Hi! I am looking for a project to work on, commercial or non-commercial, free or paid.

I can help in 3d modeling and character animation.

I was restless to finish the assets I make and upload them (it's an island with many subway stone dungeon, npc, castles and vendors, as well as many monsters). I also have a few robots that I have yet to finish. A lot of weapons and armor.
I'm thinking whether to upload it all at once or one by one.

But to be doing something that I know it will end well is boring me, I'm still thinking whether to implement it online with postgresql and enet, or leave it as a rpg without online, besides maybe the assets I make nobody will use them, but at least they will be an example, now I'm looking for a new project, I can make menus and sounds, I can do anything within the graphical capabilities of the engine, I can also model anything. I can also program, but my knowledge with respect to other developers seems very small, but I can support.

What I am mainly looking for is to learn to kill my boredom and continue making assets for the community.
If you are looking for people with whom to develop your game, even to try functionalities, I can help you, free. CC0 man.

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Re: In search of a project

Post by thenewkgb »

Maybe :wink:

I wonder if I can code Irrlicht on a Raspberry Pi, or be able to use an old Linux Mint laptop and share?
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Re: In search of a project

Post by thenewkgb »

Just to throw something in...

I did want to work on a calendar/monthly income/outgoings program using C++ standard stuff, and it could tie into a "world" with varying weather, seasons, and days simulation?
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Re: In search of a project

Post by CuteAlien »

Sounds close to a tool to create environment maps. Start with just sun, sky and ground (so start with simple ground, sky blue but colors depening on sun position and a white dot for the sun). Although maybe that goes more in the direction of raytracing/physics? Not sure. I'm currently using some older version (0.5) of the Mitsuba renderer to generate those, but the UI tends to crash after each render *sigh*. Those look p.E. like this: ... tkZYxi.png
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