compile error irrlicht.dll devc++ "Die eingegeb

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compile error irrlicht.dll devc++ "Die eingegeb

Post by oconv »

hi all

on the way to get warui's smooth fps camera to work, i tried to recompile irrlicht.dll with devc++ "as it is" in the source zip file. using the included dev file, i'm getting one single error at the end:

g++.exe -c COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.cpp -o COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.o -I"d:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.3.1" -I"d:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.3.1/mingw32" -I"d:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.3.1/backward" -I"d:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.3.1/include" -I"d:/Dev-Cpp/include" -I"D:/Dev-Cpp/source/Irrlicht/include" -DIRRLICHT_EXPORTS=1 -fexpensive-optimizations -O3

dllwrap.exe --output-def libIrrlicht.def --driver-name c++ --implib libIrrlicht.a CAnimatedMeshMD2.o CAnimatedMeshMS3D.o CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.o CBillboardSceneNode.o CBspTree.o CBspTreeSceneNode.o CCameraMayaSceneNode.o CCameraSceneNode.o CColorConverter.o CDirectX8Texture.o CFileList.o CFileSystem.o CFPSCounter.o CGUIButton.o CGUIEnvironment.o CGUIFileOpenDialog.o CGUIFont.o CGUIImage.o CGUIListBox.o CGUIMeshViewer.o CGUIScrollBar.o CGUISkin.o CGUIStaticText.o CGUIWindow.o CIrrDeviceWin32.o CLightSceneNode.o CLimitReadFile.o CMemoryReadFile.o CMeshSceneNode.o COctTreeSceneNode.o COpenGLTexture.o CQ3LevelMesh.o CReadFile.o CSceneManager.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.o CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.o CSoftwareTexture.o CStaticMeshOBJ.o CTestSceneNode.o CTRFlat.o CTRFlatWire.o CTRGouraud.o CTRGouraudWire.o CTRTextureFlat.o CTRTextureFlatWire.o CTRTextureGouraud.o CTRTextureGouraudWire.o CVideoDirectX8.o CVideoNull.o CVideoOpenGL.o CVideoSoftware.o CZBuffer.o CZipReader.o Irrlicht.o os.o CCameraFPSSceneNode.o CGeometryCreator.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.o CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.o CDefaultMeshFormatLoader.o CSkyBoxSceneNode.o CShadowVolumeSceneNode.o C3DSMeshFileLoader.o CSceneCollisionManager.o CIrrDeviceStub.o CParticleSystemSceneNode.o CParticleFadeOutAffector.o CParticleBoxEmitter.o CParticlePointEmitter.o CParticleGravityAffector.o CDummyTransformationSceneNode.o CGUIInOutFader.o CIrrDeviceLinux.o CMeshManipulator.o CMetaTriangleSelector.o COctTreeTriangleSelector.o CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.o CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.o CTriangleBBSelector.o CTriangleSelector.o CVideoModeList.o CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.o CGUIMessageBox.o CGUIModalScreen.o CEmptySceneNode.o CImage.o CImageLoaderBmp.o CImageLoaderJPG.o CImageLoaderPCX.o CImageLoaderPSD.o CImageLoaderTGA.o CLogger.o CTerrainSceneNode.o CDirectX9Texture.o CGUIContextMenu.o CGUIEditBox.o CGUIMenu.o CGUITabControl.o COSOperator.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.o CVideoDirectX9.o CXAnimationPlayer.o CXFileReader.o CXMeshFileLoader.o CTextReader.o CXMLReader.o CWriteFile.o CGUIComboBox.o CGUIToolBar.o CXMLWriter.o CGUICheckBox.o CTextSceneNode.o CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.o CD3D8ShaderMaterialRenderer.o COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.o -L"d:/Dev-Cpp/lib" --no-export-all-symbols --add-stdcall-alias -lgdi32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -ljpeg -lz -o Irrlicht.dll

Die eingegebene Zeile ist zu lang.

make.exe: *** [Irrlicht.dll] Error 255

Execution terminated

anyone an idea what's going wrong?
thanks oconv
Posts: 3496
Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:04 am
Location: Nobody's Place (Venlo NL)

Post by Acki »

Ich denke Du benutzt nicht WinXP !?!?!
Irrlicht zu rekompilieren funktioniert nur mit XP (genau wegen dem Fehler, den Du da hast)


I think you'r not using WinXP !?!?!
Recompiling Irrlicht works only on XP (that's the reason for your eror message)
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java

Post by Guest »

What? Why would that be? What would XP and Win2000 do differently when linking in Dev-C++?

I get the same error when using the included Dev-C++ project. The error message means that the linker cannot handle the large number of arguments sent to it.

It baffels me that noone has tried to use the Dev-C++ projects once before including them in the distribution.

(You also have to change the include directories from absoulte paths on the C: drive to relative paths)
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Location: Nobody's Place (Venlo NL)

Post by Acki »

Because the command line of W98, W2k can only handle 256 chars (AFAIK)
XP can handle more chars...

The error accours when all parts should be linked together as one dll...
Maybe there are some tricks, like shortcut the pathes in the make file, but I don't know and never got it compiled on non XP operating systems
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:12 pm

Post by oconv »

bingo: i'm using w2k.

is there a workaround? that's uncool :(
guest (wolfsb) not logged

Post by guest (wolfsb) not logged »

I'm also using Win2000 and here is the work-around. Rebuild all until Dev C++ gives you that error 255. Then take all the object files to Dev C++ bin and create a simple text-file like (for example) this one:

dllwrap.exe --output-def ../object/lib/DevCpp/libIrrlicht.def --driver-name c++ --implib ../object/lib/DevCpp/libIrrlicht.a *.o -L"C:/dev-cpp/object/lib/DevCpp/" -L"jpeglib" -L"zlib" --no-export-all-symbols --add-stdcall-alias -lgdi32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -ld3dx8d -ld3dx9d -ljpeg -lz -o ../object/lib/DevCpp/Irrlicht.dll

this file name -> dllwrap.bat

Go to the DOS console and call the batch file. you will have your irrlicht.dll
recompiled (here in: ../object/lib/DevCpp/).

It works. No doubt. I have done it quite often, because I wanted some features in the dll to be changed.

Regards, Wolf from Berlin GY

Post by mak »

i am using win2000. i like to compile irrlicht using dev-c++.
i tried to create a batch file. dllwrap.exe worked, but i encountered undefined reference problem.

CReadFile.o(.text+0xed):CReadFile.cpp: undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
CReadFile.o(.text+0x1dd):CReadFile.cpp: undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
CReadFile.o(.text+0x47a):CReadFile.cpp: undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
CReadFile.o(.eh_frame+0x12):CReadFile.cpp: undefined reference to `__gxx_persona


undefined reference error...

Post by sandeep »

Hi all,
I also got some error after executing the .bat file as mentioned earlier...
anyone got clue as to why?? it related to linkin?...
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\irrob>C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\dllwrap.exe --output-def libIrrlicht.def --d
river-name C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\c++ --implib libIrrlicht.a *.o -L"C:\Dev-Cpp\lib" -lg
lut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -L"D:\download\openGL\irrlichtcode\Irrl
icht\jpeglib" -L"D:\download\openGL\irrlichtcode\Irrlicht\zlib" --no-export-all-
symbols --add-stdcall-alias -lgdi32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -ljpeg -lz -o Irrlicht.
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\dllwrap.exe: no export definition file provided.
Creating one, but that may not be what you want
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x23f):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x263):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x2b1):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x2d9):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x2e1):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x3d4):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x425):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CImageLoaderJPG.o(.text+0x432):CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: undefined reference to `jpeg
CZipReader.o(.text+0x1052):CZipReader.cpp: undefined reference to `inflateInit2_
CZipReader.o(.text+0x10e6):CZipReader.cpp: undefined reference to `inflate'
CZipReader.o(.text+0x10f0):CZipReader.cpp: undefined reference to `inflateEnd'
CZipReader.o(.text+0x10fb):CZipReader.cpp: undefined reference to `inflateEnd'
C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\dllwrap.exe: C:\Dev-Cpp\bin\c++ exited with status 1
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