error in rotation matrix ?

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error in rotation matrix ?

Post by Palmeira »

when I rotate a "k degrees" around Z axis for example "node-setRotation(0, 0,k)" we have a rotation of " k degrees " of X and Y axis . the same behavior is fount when rotate around Y axis.
But same behavior is not found when I rotate around X axis. The Y-axis which must be rotate appear fixed.
look the examples in files
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Post by CZestmyr »

I´ve just tried the rotation as well and it shows the same results. I think this is an intention, because if the rotation is used for the player camera, your X axis always rotates with your Y axis - You can look up and down, regardless on which way you're just looking. Don´t know how to change it, though. Try to look in the documentation on the irr::ISceneNode, maybe it has some method to change the rotation matrix.

error in rotation matrix ?

Post by Guest »

I' sorry for my poor experience in game programming, I'm try to use Irrlicht in a robotic simulator. I know that the view point of a camera depends on the relative rotation, the behavior found implies in error on absolute rotation.
furthermore when I rotate "k degrees" around Y axis for example "node->setRotation(0, k,0)" we found a rotation of " 2k degrees" in Z axis.
In other words this behavior has no effects in planar games when we use only Y axiz rotation, but should be catastrophic in 3d game like a flight simulator for example.
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