Hi all.
A quick (I hope!) question regarding a player class for a game:
I want to define a player as a collection of related data eg. a mesh, player name details etc.
I would also use this class to refer to a particular onscreen model eg to change its animation .
class Player
Player(string pName);
string getName();
bool setName(string pName);
bool setAnimatedMeshSceneNode(scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* playerMesh);
scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* ptrPlayerNode;
string name;
scene::IBillboardSceneNode* myBillBoardNode;
AS you can see, I have placed a pointer to the animatedmeshscenenode in the public section, as there seemed to be a lot of accessor functions needed if it were placed in the private section. However, I am into my Object Oriented Principles( ) and realise this goes against the grain of encapsulation. Is there a simpler way to keep the pointer private, and yet allow accessor/mutators to reach it without having to hand code each one?
Many thanks
A Player Class
A Player Class
Not sure what you mean by "handcoding" everything, but look at it this way:
presumably you only want the functions/classes that understand about Irrlicht objects to access this data.
You could make all those functions/classes "friend"s (i.e. friend class X; in the class definition).
That gives them access to all private properties.
presumably you only want the functions/classes that understand about Irrlicht objects to access this data.
You could make all those functions/classes "friend"s (i.e. friend class X; in the class definition).
That gives them access to all private properties.
I have a player class made already, your welcome to use it, all of the functions work correctly...
sure its not truely data abstraction, but im still a c++ newb
im working on a framework type thing (really more of an irrlicht extension)
that will utilze a singlton device(yea i know its in nx) and a memory manager for all the extension things (monster list, terrainmesh list, etc.)
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//!class CPlayer
//!This class contains all the information for the player.
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "CEntity.h"
class CPlayer : public CEntity
irr::core::string<wchar_t> name;
irr::core::vector3df playerPos;
irr::core::vector3df playerRot;
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * playerNode;
//! temporary, should be called in main game loop, will be called by
//! game.loop() when state system is done.
virtual void update(){};
void init();
//accessor functions
irr::core::string<wchar_t> getName()
{return name;};
irr::core::vector3df getPlayerPos()
{return playerNode->getPosition();};
irr::core::vector3df getPlayerRot()
{return playerNode->getRotation();};
//! returns a pointer to the sceneNode of this Player
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* getPlayerNode()
{return playerNode;};
void setname(irr::core::string<wchar_t> nametemp)
{name = nametemp;};
void setPlayerNode(irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * tNode)
{playerNode = tNode;};
//!Implementation file for Class CPlayer
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "CPlayer.h"
void CPlayer :: init()
playerNode = getSmgr()->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(getMesh());
if (playerNode)
playerNode->setMaterialFlag(irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
playerNode->setFrameLoop(0, 310);
sure its not truely data abstraction, but im still a c++ newb
im working on a framework type thing (really more of an irrlicht extension)
that will utilze a singlton device(yea i know its in nx) and a memory manager for all the extension things (monster list, terrainmesh list, etc.)
i forgot it was derived... thats what happens with too much coffee and not enough sleep
and its built more for rpg type thing...
so uh... delete what you dont need
i forgot it was derived... thats what happens with too much coffee and not enough sleep
and its built more for rpg type thing...
so uh... delete what you dont need
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//!Class: CEntity
//!base class for all "living" entitys in the game.
#include <irrlicht.h>
class CEntity
int health;
int armor;
int energy;
int damage;
int chanceToHit;
//!!name of the mesh assigned to entity
irr::c8 meshname;
irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh;
//!!needed for mesh stuff
irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver;
irr::scene::ISceneManager* smgr;
irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv;
//!!accessor functions
int getHealth()
{return health;};
int getArmor()
{return armor;};
int getEnergy()
{return energy;};
int getChanceToHit()
{return chanceToHit;};
int getDamage()
{return damage;};
irr::c8 getMeshName()
{return meshname;};
irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* getMesh()
{return mesh;};
virtual irr::video::IVideoDriver* getDriver()
{return driver;};
virtual irr::scene::ISceneManager* getSmgr()
{return smgr;};
virtual irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnv()
{return guienv;};
//!!mutator functions
void setHealth(int tHealth)
{health = tHealth;};
void setArmor(int tArmor)
{armor = tArmor;};
void setEnergy(int tEnergy)
{energy = tEnergy;};
void setChanceToHit(int tChanceToHit)
{chanceToHit = tChanceToHit;};
void setDamage(int tDamage)
{damage = tDamage;};
void setMeshName(irr::c8 tMeshName)
{meshname = tMeshName;};
void setMesh(irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh* tMesh)
{mesh = tMesh;};
void setSmgr(irr::scene::ISceneManager* tSmgr)
{smgr = tSmgr;};
void setDriver(irr::video::IVideoDriver* tDriver)
{driver = tDriver;};
void setGUIEnv(irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment* tGuiEnv)
{guienv = tGuiEnv;};
//!!Called during Game.loop()
virtual void update() = 0;
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I may be misunderstanding your problem, but if all you want to do is change the animation on the scene node encapsulated inside the player class, then give the player class a GetPlayerNode() function which returns ptrPlayerNode...
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irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * Player::GetPlayerNode()
return ptrPlayerNode;
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myPlayer->GetPlayerNode()->setFrameLoop(startFrame, endFrame);
// or you could do it this way:
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * node = myPlayer->GetPlayerNode();
node->setFrameLoop(startFrame, endFrame);
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