made some progress with a hud and another ship model... basically the ships can be configured with number of engines and engine locations which decides the thrust locations and of course the particle trails...
Screenshot 1
(showing off global particle trails as the ship turns)
Click Here For HiRes Image
Screenshot 2
(the trail is now straight as the ship is flying straight into the asteroid)
Click Here For HiRes Image
note: this machine does not have a shader capable card.. so no per pixel lighting
The way i see it i am going to add the following commands for the sim:
The Ship propulsion always drives it forward, unless you apply
breaking thrusters which impart some backwards thrust while active.
UP -> Dips the nose down
DN -> Raises the nose up
LT -> Rolls the ship left
DN-> Rolls the ship right
< -> Strafe Left
> -> Strafe Right
Mouse move up/dn -> dip/raise nose
Mouse move sideways -> turn left / right
Left Click -> Fire Primary Weapon
Right Click -> Fire Secondary Weapon
Mouse Wheel up -> next primary weapon
Mouse Wheel dn -> next secondary weapon
W -> Accelerate
S -> Deccelerate
SPACE -> Fire Braking Thrusters
TAB -> Turn On Auto Levelling
1/2/3/4 – select primary weapon
7/8/9/0 – select secondary weapon
F1 -> show mission status overlay
F2 -> show game info
F3 -> Pause/Resume
F5 -> Divert Power To Shields
F6 -> Divert Power To Weapons
F7 -> Overload Reactor
~ - toggle console
[ - prev primary weapon
] – next primary weapon
; - prev secondary weapon
' – next secondary weapon
Once you set your reactor to overload you can fly into a cluster of enemy ships and blow them up with you.. a last ditch measure...