but you're not living there, are you? So with you there are already 3 Colombians in Irrlicht! man, we can start the "Juan Valdez Irrlicht Cafe"!
back to topic:
Eclipse is very powerful, but as you mentioned, I don't like the fact that it's Java based. I think it makes it slower for development. and to make things more critical, the package is masked via gentoo's portage so by now I'd rather not installed anything not officially supported by my distro.
????Last time u checked in the forums? so where are you now? you travel a lot man!
I'm using Gentoo, which uses the "portage" system to update packages onlina via the "emerge" command. (similar to fedora's update system with another name). Gentoo is very powerful, customizable and stable. Although installing it requires a lot of patience since everything needs to be compiled!
Well I was asking since as long as I remember, the eclipse SDK (for GTK) is simply a .zip file and it suffices with decompressing it and then running and exe, and thats it.
Ive tried it both on a slackware, debian, and knnopix box, and it ran ok, no need to install anything, more tha the obvious JDK, and just for the record, it doesnt feel like a Java app at all, forget about forte and netbeans, this is just like a native app in both win32 and linux
Oh and btw, I also tried gentoo but didnt like it, and by judging at your love to emerge, then its likely you have a broandband connection and live in the DC
heheh, I'll look for the zippped version of eclipse then.
and nope, I'm not in the DC, I'm in Bucaramanga, but I got cable and it's quite good (it's not the fastest but at least I'm not using the phone). As a curious fact, they'll start implementing Wi-fi (finally) and B/manga is going to be the 1st city in Colombia to have it fully supported. It seems like our geography favors the way it's installed so we'll be covered bi a huge virtual net of comm and not only nodes here and there!!
nice chatting w/you! please dont hesitate to ask or pm me if there's anyhting I can do 4 u.
With and "uppps sorry for the offtopic" to cartoonit, yeas, Ive heard your city is gonna have Wi-fi (satellite , isnt it??), but isnt that slower that fiber optic because data will have to go to the satellite forth and back???
it seems not; dunno how but it'll be faster; my dad is a Doctor (cardiologist) that works at the local heart institute and he told me they're planning to get it to get realtime video and data transmision of cases, scans, ekgs from abroad; and that's gotta be really fast since lives depend on that!
sorry cartoonit!
ps. already downloading the eclipse sdk and the CDT for c++
@Visitor: finished downloading eclipse (almost 90mb) and cdt (10mb) and you were right! It's just a matter of unzipping and running! (but you need Java installed). It looks the same as windows interface, very cool and slim, now my question is: how did you get it to work with Irrlicht?
the good thing is that this is back into topic.
so Visitor, if you read this please let us know a basic way to setup Eclipse for Irrlciht.
Hehe, I havent ... I just downloaded it yesterday and didnt mess with it too much though... Id try to set it up right now, but Im in collegue till 6 pm (i.e GMT -5), if someone hasnt come with a way to do so by then (and by someone I mean afecelis...), then Ill try to do so ASAP, and maybe post some tutorial then
nice one visitor! I must say that I'm getting close to compiling with eclipse. Struggling right now with how to add the proper directories for "include" and "lib". But i must admitt the UI and the IDE itself is beautiful, nice options, etc. And the cdt plugin for C++ adds a whole new layer of functionality to eclipse, it makes life easier to create a C++ project: