realistic water
realistic water
In the special effects demo, the water looks fine, until you move the camera between the water, and the floor which is beneath the water. Is there any way of improving this, so there is an underwater style effect? If I include any swimming in my game, the water in the tutorial wouldn't be adequate.
At runtime, you will have to detect an "underwater" scene and react in accordance. Camera motions, distortions, bubbles etc.
How to detect if the camera is inside a water scene node will be a nice challenge though...
Hard-coded positions would be plain dumb execpt for testing purposes. If you'd be using a bsp mapper, then you might make use of entities.
How to detect if the camera is inside a water scene node will be a nice challenge though...
Hard-coded positions would be plain dumb execpt for testing purposes. If you'd be using a bsp mapper, then you might make use of entities.
simple and fine water
check my water - whith backface culling you can get under it an remember the mesh u use - only the points whithin are animated
// Wasseroberfläche
scene::ISceneNode* wasser = 0;
scene::IAnimatedMesh* nass = smgr->getMesh("wasser.3ds");
if (nass)
wasser = smgr->addWaterSurfaceSceneNode(nass->getMesh(0), 3.0f, 300.0f, 30.0f);
wasser->getMaterial(0) .BackfaceCulling = false;
// Wasseroberfläche
scene::ISceneNode* wasser = 0;
scene::IAnimatedMesh* nass = smgr->getMesh("wasser.3ds");
if (nass)
wasser = smgr->addWaterSurfaceSceneNode(nass->getMesh(0), 3.0f, 300.0f, 30.0f);
wasser->getMaterial(0) .BackfaceCulling = false;