Scene rendered to a C# Form Control? Is it Possible?

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Scene rendered to a C# Form Control? Is it Possible?

Post by itguru80 »

I posted a similar question on the beginner's forum, but have been unable to get an answer, so I thought I'd ask the experts!!!

I want to develop a windows app in C# where the 3D graphics will be rendered to a Control on the Form. But I don't know if it's possible?

This way I can use all the standard .NET Windows Tools, but have a powerful and fast 3D graphics display also!!!

Am I dreaming here or can someone show me how to do this?


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Post by x4861 »

I don't think it is possible without altering Irrlicht library code. You must change a couple of things in CIrrDeviceWin32.cpp (mainly create another constructor and a custom createDevice function), then recompile Irrlicht DLLs. I haven't tried it myself, but looking at code this seems to be the case.

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the help,

the only thing is that I'm not a C++ programmer, I only know C# and Java, so this is a bit out of my league.

It would be a nice feature to add to the .NET library tho wouldn't it? ;-)

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Post by cartoonit »

I would have thought if you know C# or Java then C++ is similar, just with pointers :D
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Post by eXodus »

Start learning C++ and you'll soon prefer it to Java. Trust me...

Post by Guest »

Actually I prefer to concentrate on functionality when I am programming, not the specifics of the language.

C++ is powerful, but to easy to make a mistake, do the dereferencing of a pointer wrong, or whatever. Even experienced C++ programmers have to really think about what they are doing when they are programming.

In Java/C#, you concentrate on the logic (the fun part if you ask me) and let the garbage collector do the tidy up for you!!

C++ purists will hate this type of comment, but hey, each to their own!!!!
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