3d-terrain. Where to start?

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Killa Kan

3d-terrain. Where to start?

Post by Killa Kan »


Im converting my rts to 3d (i know, biig project). Any1 has tips on how to deal with terrain/map? My current method is square-based, a grid of different types of terrain, like forest, water and plains. Thse squares are drawn according to their naibouring squares.

If I do not need height, could I do the same thing in 3d, and where do I start? Is the entire map a mesh? As you understand, im quite clueless.

Killa Kan
Posts: 62
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:37 pm
Location: California

Post by deprecated »

If you are not concerned with height ... (ie; mountains and valleys) then ...
You can load multiple heightmaps and use setPosition to position them properly... (based on tile size and relative x/z coords)

If you want height...
you can use a bmp image splitter and break up a larger image (with mountains and such) into smaller tile sized images and the edges will be correct... (using setPosition as above)

Search forum for heightmap examples or check out spintz GeoMipMapSceneNode in the FAQ section...

Killa Kan

Post by Killa Kan »

Noone has any further tips or example code on what this is all about?

Is there no basic terrain-renderer which can be used in a RTS? Any1 knows of such a project? Most terrain-project i've bumped into was all about rendering "airplane-simulation ground". Thats not reaslly what Im looking for...

Well, would be great with further tips.
Posts: 1688
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:25 pm

Post by Spintz »

Check my sig for links to the GeoMipMapSceneNode i've done.

It's currently only working with Irrlicht 0.7.1 ( I'm currently merging my code with Irrlicht0.8 ) and should be very soon for that.
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