I need to something like
This will then be used by all drawing, in the excample above, all drawing will be "moved" 100 pixels X. This I know how to do, its easy but:
The last 2 variables states that if drawing is done past th point of (200,300) on screen it shall be ignored. This can make drawing only half om images near the "border"
I know this is a simple form of viewport that ignores camera etc, but for now its all I need.
Can you create a viewport?
Hi General Kip,
Check out the Splitscreen tutorial by Max Winkel: Click Here
He shows how to use 4 different cameras at once, with each drawing to different parts of the screen.
If that doesn't help I can post a small code sample as I'm working on a tutorial of my own that utilizes the ideas put forth in Max's tutorial.
Check out the Splitscreen tutorial by Max Winkel: Click Here
He shows how to use 4 different cameras at once, with each drawing to different parts of the screen.
If that doesn't help I can post a small code sample as I'm working on a tutorial of my own that utilizes the ideas put forth in Max's tutorial.
well that setviewport does some things i dont understand... For example it compresses the 2dimage when I set the two last parameters to something... Which is odd.
I need the two first parameters to set where the "screen starts" so I can move chunks of the gui for example to a certain part of the screen. This seemes to work as it should. The last two should define the size of the "drawing window" and all pics, text etc that are called to be drawn outside this "drawing window" should be clipped. This does not work...
I need the two first parameters to set where the "screen starts" so I can move chunks of the gui for example to a certain part of the screen. This seemes to work as it should. The last two should define the size of the "drawing window" and all pics, text etc that are called to be drawn outside this "drawing window" should be clipped. This does not work...