Does anyone like sailing? This might interest you...

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Does anyone like sailing? This might interest you...

Post by Guest »

I'm the director of a start-up company from New Zealand. We would like to produce a 3D simulation of yacht racing, using the Irrlicht Engine.

The catch is that we are not games/graphics programmers. We need help!!

If anyone is interested, what we want to do is this:

1) Show boats sailing on water, with a wake, sky and ripples (wake) from when the boat is going through the water and possibly some islands in the background
2) The boats have some kind of animation, like depending on what "tack" you are on the sail is curved one way or the other, and the sail moves in and out depending on the angle to the wind the boat is
3) The simulation would run on a very basic grpahics card so would not require the latest and greatest

The only thing I could offer you for your hard work at this stage is a link and a mention of you on our website and that possibly in the future should we get funding then there could be possibilities for a share in the business.

If you're interested, let me know!

Posts: 1622
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:35 am
Location: Slovakia

Post by arras »

Hi Peter,
I should say at the begining that I am not the right man for you.

Reason why I am reacting is that I was (and still am from time to time) working on something little bit similar. It is simulation of age of sail ships ...16-17 ct apromaxitely. I made small demo which you can find on my page. It was done long time ago and I was using DarkBasic that time.

What I would be interesting is if you can share some knoweledge about sailing phisic, since that was what I was triing to simulate as closely as I could. You can try to sail ship in my demo in to the wind and you can see if I was getting close.
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