I must be dumb. I read the explannation in the manual but that didn't make me anny wiser.
What I'm trying to do is to display all availebel 3dgfx modes with getVideoModeList. But I don't get how to use lists that the returned pointer refers to.
Maybe there is some other documentation that i could look in to. And yes this is my first year with c++ so i'm as noob as they can get. But I'm allready in love with c++ object orented programming. I used to work with 3Dgamestudio (stupid cunny 3D engine costing 49 € and up using lameass c)
Using lists? I must be dumb.
What do you not understand? You get the list like this:
IVideoModeList* vmlist = device->getVideoModeList();
and then you can acces it via:
where n < getVideoModeCount()
IVideoModeList* vmlist = device->getVideoModeList();
and then you can acces it via:
where n < getVideoModeCount()
It is like it is. And because it is like it is, things are like they are.
Well surely you should be able to check what current drivers are setup on a specific machine, for example at Uni most of the computers don't have DirectX 9.0, if creating a driver instance with DirectX 9.0 the application would fall over.
Therefore a list of supported drivers could be returned from the engine???
I know you could just test whether the returned device is NULL or not, but then this means having a selection for each different graphics API - directx 8.0, 9.0 or OpenGL...
Cheez I'm not making any sense this wk....
Therefore a list of supported drivers could be returned from the engine???
I know you could just test whether the returned device is NULL or not, but then this means having a selection for each different graphics API - directx 8.0, 9.0 or OpenGL...
Cheez I'm not making any sense this wk....