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Post by Saku »

Name: Clement
Location: Denmark
Age: 17
Occupation: Student (Tech. ..kinda)
- Visual Basic
- C++
Call me Wice, Miami Wice!
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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:59 pm
Location: Bushland

Post by Bot_Builder »

Name : Stephen
Location : Near seattle, Washington
Age : 15
Occupation : Student (Highschool :/)
Languages : (chronologic order)
  • Atari ST Basic (Old basic where you type out the line numbers and there's no functions) ~8 years old (made a tic tac toe game, but it ran out of memory from too many gosubs :twisted:)
  • Qbasic ~9 years old
  • Visualbasic ~10 years old
  • BlitzBasic ~11 years old
  • HTML/CSS ~12 years old
  • Console using C/C++ ~13 years old - never really learned the langcuz it was so dull
  • XML/XSC ~12 years old
  • Basics of ASM ~13
  • C# 14 years old
  • Bit o' python 14 years old
  • Bit o' java (just like C#)
  • Bit o' functional langs - haskell, ML
  • Went back to C/C++ upon finding irrlicht, not liking it (c/c++)
  • German - 14/15 :)
Hobbies :Robotics, Programming, Gaming, Snowboarding, Tennis, Designing things in general
Interests :The above plus Math(know arithmetic through calculus), Physics (particularly real-time), AI, and Linguistics
Current Projects :
  • Tic-tac-toe game to test out irrlicht - currently stuck on a c++ prob.
  • Designing a custom programming language
  • Long term - writing routines to convert sentances and paragraphs to a computer understandable form and back. Useful for translation and AI.
Most of my experience is in blitzbasic, though i did write a 2000 line app in C#. Wrote the beginnings of a few games, a physics engine, and some demos.[/b]
ImageXP SP2, AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 1GB HyperX RAM, Radeon X700 Pro (PCI-e), 120GB SATA drive :)
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Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:37 pm
Location: Wonderland

Post by Midnight »

I've edited this post to conform with normal standards.


Known Aliases:
Midnight, "Database ERROR: warning database has been altered"


Northern Lower Michigan, USA

Self Employed

Known Languages:
English, C++, HTML, XML, and a bit of javascript.

Special Skills:
Game Design, Computer Repair and Programming, Carpentry,
Automotive Repair, Business Management, Sales and Advertisement.

Force Alliance: Dark Side
Last edited by Midnight on Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sergio Cossa
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:00 pm
Location: Argentina

Post by Sergio Cossa »

I am new in Irrlicht and new in games 3D... but I am an old programmer... since I bought myself my first Sinclair T1000 in 1985 :shock:

I made several games and literary adventures in basic with home computers (Spectrum, MSX) but then I was devoted to administrative software (of something it is necessary to live)

I didn't study university careers, and all that learned has been through thousands of hours in front of the keyboard...

OK, I should recognize it... I attended some personal classes with Pitagoras, but when it was already very old!! :twisted:

In these years I designed some free game web multiplayer in c#and ASP.NET

Now, in my free hours (and some stolen to the company where I work) I try to program something new, to the style of the XXXX games.

Ap... 45 years of age... the grandfather of the present dinosaurs.

Saludos desde Argentina!! :D
Sergio Cossa

Post by Guest »

Name: Umar Nizamani
Age: 15
Location: Pakistan

Learnt QuickBasic when i was 10 and had my pc for just a year.

Made a 2d game in QuickBasic when i was 11 and a half.

Learnt VB when i was 13.

Made a 3d Multiplayer game called Terrorist when i was 14.

Just learnt C++ to intermediate level. Working on irllicht to make another game called Immortal Arenas. Just started.

Know HTML and Java Scripting.
Posts: 72
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:57 pm
Location: Netherlands

Post by WalterWzK »

Name: WalterWzK
Location: Noord Brabant, Nederland. (Efteling?)
Age: 18
Occupation: Automation Programmer \ Game Designer
Languages: (chronologic order)

Dutch ~3, though its still not perfect.. ;)

GWBasic ~7 years old

Qbasic ~8 years old

Visualbasic ~11 years old, still my language! (:S dunno i thats somethin to be proud of hehe)

Totally went WebBased when I was 13 but where not good until 15
HTML/CSS/XML/Flash/Flash AS/PHP/SQL ~13 years old

Bit o' python, java, ASM, C# between 13~18 years old

Dutch, Born here in Waalwijk, moved 3 times but still in the same dipshit crater called a city wich is really bullshit considering 45.000 ppl

Hobbies : Working out, Programming, Gaming [GTA:SA @ tha moment]
Interests: Girlfriend! When i am not behind my pc ofcourse :P

Current Projects: See footer..
Current Project: Don Salvatore's Mafia
Genre: 3D Shooter \ RTS
Programming Language: VB .NET
Engine: Irrlicht 11 [.NET Wrapper]

Post by Nica »

Name: Nicole aka Nica
Age: 22
Ocupation: Software Engineer / Creative Designer
Languages: QBasic, Visual Basic, C++, C#, SQL, PHP, HTML, Java, Javascript, Flash ActionScript, Flash, LITTLE Assembly, CSS, XML, ASP, ASP.NET
Others(?): Adobe, 3D Stuido Max, Maya, Blender, Etc...
Location: Connecticut, USA (NE)

Started programming around age 10 with QBasic, at around age 12 I started using VB3 to program progs for AOL (man, those were the days) and just slowly moved up. I'm now a .NET junkie thanks to work.

Hobbies: Word of Warcraft junkie (Nicaa @ Skullcrusher; Trita @ Skullcrusher), 4-Wheeling, Riding my horse!
Interests: My son.. he makes the world go round!
Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:43 am

Post by Fhqwhgads »

Name: Ryan
Age: 15 in less than a month
Ocupation: Programming games as a hobby
Languages: Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic.net, C++, Java, HTML, PHP, SQL
Others(?): Quark Express, Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Linux, Milkshape
Location: California, USA

I learned a BASIC language when I was 12, becuase I had this cool game I wanted to make "Campground Tycoon" where you make your own campground. Anyway, after playign with that I bought c++ for dummies, and learned c++. Went web based also at age 13, learned PHP, MYSQL, and Linux. Now I'm back to c++. When I was 13, I hopped around different languages a billion times looking for the right language to make games in. First was VB, then Java, then Euphoria, then vb again, then I finaly stopped at java, but got bored of it. So I decided c++ was the better language to learn just becuase its easier to find people to help you out with it, and more libraries support c++.
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:17 pm
Location: Romania

Post by danieLs »

Name - Daniel
Age - 19
Location - Romania
Languages - C/C++, Pascal, php, javascript, html, css
Other stuff - Photoshop, Flash, Linux, Windows
Website http://www.safereaction.ro
Now student at Faculty of Computer Science from Iasi (RO)
Hobby - webdesign, c++ now trying to make a FPS(just for fun and for learning) game using irrlicht
My software never has bugs.
It just develops random features.
Posts: 767
Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2004 4:03 pm
Location: Northern California USA

Post by MikeR »

Bump from the bowels of the forum database
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d

Sys specs:
AMD 3700+ 64 processor
1.0 gb ram
e-Geforce 6600 graphics 256 mb onboard ram
Posts: 48
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:56 am

Post by terefang »

Code: Select all

irr::core::stringw name = "Alfred Reibenschuh (الڡرج)";

irr::s32 birthYear = 1974;

irr::c8* languages[] = { "Deutsch", "English", "Logo", "C64/128 BASIC", "6802 Asm", "K&R C", "68k Asm", "Pascal", "Lisp", "Ansi C/C++", "SQL", "Perl", "Javascript", "Php", "Bash", "Farsi" };

irr::core::stringc jobfunction= "Network Management Architect"; 

irr::core::stringc location= "Vienna, Austria (No Kangaroos here!)"; 

nVidia 7800GT/256, AMD64-X2 4k2, Latest Fedora/CentOS
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:57 pm
Location: Germany

Post by campino »

Okay, something about me:
Name: Alexander
Age: 15 years and 11 month ;)
Location: Germany, Ruhrgebiet
Occupation: student
11 years -> Visual basic
11 years -> english (at school)
12 years -> trying out C++, but didn't use it ;)
12/13 years -> php, html
14 years -> trying out C++ again
14 years -> Java (like it, maybe I would have learned C++ when I didn't learn it)
a few days ago -> C++ (no big difference to Java)
Hobbies: Programming, Webdesign, dancing+acting

There are 10 sorts of people, those who understand binaries and those who don't.
Posts: 370
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:54 pm
Location: http://web.utk.edu/~pfox1

Post by pfo »

core::stringc name = "Patrick Fox";
core::stringc location="Knoxville, Tennessee U.S.";
core::stringc occupation="Programmer for Agricultural Policy Analysis Center at the University of Tennessee";
int age = 23;

Didn't even OWN a computer until I was in high school, started programming my junior year of high school, been doing so for 7 years now and lovin' it

First started programming graphics with Genesis3D (the precursor to the Wildtangent Gamedriver) Then moved onto to Wildtangent, and finally using Irrlicht now (also lovin' it)

Languages: Visual Basic 6/.NET, C/C++, Java and a little bit of asm, looking to get into C#

Hobbies: DJing (drum and bass), Producing (all electronic styles), programming
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:39 am
Location: Germany, Chemnitz, Bgst.

Post by Jan_ »

Name : Jan K.
Location : East Germany
Age : 20
Languages: Blitzmax,delphi, blitzbasic.qbasic,html,php,C

Hobbies : Programming, Gaming, Snowboarding, Paintball
Current Projects : Diskwars
Posts: 188
Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:36 pm
Location: Romania

Post by boboS »

Name : Balan Bogdan
Location: Galati - Romania
Age: 19
Languages: Flash ActionScript, C++ (in progress).

I've started programming at the age of 16 years with Flash ActionScript. Since I was litle I was drawing mario levels on the paper (yes, on the paper) and I was dreaming to build my own game. Since then I've tried something in Flash but I've notice that is a waste of time and I'm not going anywhere with that programming language. Now I'm learning C++ and I hope I'll manage to release my first game with Irrlich engine. I also know that hard work can cover creativity, inteligence and lots of years of programming :wink:
As your ship is going down
ll stand by and watch you drown
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