Another Question...yes. Now its a crouching problem.

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Another Question...yes. Now its a crouching problem.

Post by ViperGuy911 »

How would you set up crouching in the event receiver?

Posts: 139
Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:53 am

Post by SARIN »

it depends on how ur doing collision. also, it depends how accurate u want it to be.
for less accurate, and assuming ur using irrlichts collision response animator, u simply do the animation of the crouch and then use setEllipsoidRadius to change the size smaller when the key is pressed. then, if the key is not pressed, simply set the size to normal.
it might make bugs when u get up from a crouch, such as going through low walled cielings as im not sure about irrlichts collision.

man, crouching is not nearly as hard as jumpin, u should see some of my questions about jumpin and frame rate. *shudder*
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:20 am

Post by ViperGuy911 »

SARIN wrote: man, crouching is not nearly as hard as jumpin, u should see some of my questions about jumpin and frame rate. *shudder*
Woah! I want jumping to and what you said got me worried. :) Would this be easier with the Newton physics thing.

Posts: 139
Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:53 am

Post by SARIN »

no, my only problems stemmed from making the jumping totally frame rate independent. u, however, might not want that.
for the main code for something about jumpin, i have a small snippet here
(yes, i no im lazy, i just dont want to reanswer it) ... ump#32130
and for my later questions about framerate independent ... ump#34728
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