hello world help

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hello world help

Post by asdf »

I tried the hello world tut linked in the sticky, and it compiles fine. but when i try to run it, the screen just flashes.
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Post by afecelis »

aree you using the appropriate dll? (devc or msvc)


Post by asdf »

i dunno, the tutorial just said set the path to \bin

Post by Guest »

Post your code and compiler type?
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Post by darkraven »

setting the path to /bin won't do it cause there are multiple directories inside the bin folder which is where the dll is housed and I may be incorrect on this but when setting /bin in the path the include folder are not included in the path so if you compiled with msvc and you want to set the path then you need to set the path to /bin/VisualStudio and if you are compiling with DevCpp then you need to set the path to /bin/DevCpp

If you are using Linux I'm not sure how that works since its been a while in using linux but for windows those are the settings to use.
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Post by Seliris »

Try copying the irrlicht.dll to your system32 folder? :)
Hug your compiler today!
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Post by afecelis »

yup, I agree with darkraven; everything must be double checked when talking about paths.

getting a blank (white) screen means the renderer started but couldn't find the media to load. Check the paths to everything you'tr loading.

And yes, please tell us which compiler you're using. :wink:


Post by asdf »

well, i dont know how or why, but it works now. i think i had something wrong with the header files or something before, cause i did the whole thing again and it works. thx for the help tho

hello world

Post by !lim0chk »

I've got another problem with the hello world example (it's the same with other examples): I can compile the program and also run it, but only when i choose opengl or software the second window stays. when i choose any direct3d it shortly appears and then the program shuts down. I'm using Dev-cpp and i'm sure i have installed direct3d 9.0 with Half-life 2. My OS is Windows XP Sp2. Any idea why direct3d doesn't work?

Post by !lim0chk »

I just found out that the window crashes after that line:
IrrlichtDevice *device =
createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480));
There are four lines output before the crash, but i can't read them that fast.
The first line is something starting with Irrlicht, the second could be microsoft windows xp sp2 or something like that, the third begins with directx, i think, and the last one is: "error: could not load built-in font" but i'm not sure.
I hope this helps you to help me...
I now also installed the DirectX 9 SDK and included it's include folder and it's libraries, but this doesn't help.
thanks for your time, I hope you can solve my problem (-:
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Location: Colombia

Post by afecelis »


Code: Select all

createDevice(video::EDT_DIRECTX9, core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480),16, false, false, false,0);
or directx8, try them both
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Post by darkraven »

Are you using the original compiled dll and .a files that comes with the download of irrlicht? If so the engine needs to be recompiled with directx enabled. You can follow these instruction though if you don't have the directx9 devpak not sure where you can get it any more.

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... php?t=5813

Post by !lim0chk »

@afecelis: tried your code, but it doesn't seem to change anythin )-:
@darkraven: yes, i didn't change the dll. I will try to recompile it (I did never compile a dll...)
thanks for your replies.
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