I am glad you decided to go with ODE, and open source engine, but to be fair and to set the record straight, I do not think that your statement about the Newton engine is correct
keless wrote:As an actual update: I am in fact working on IRPG. I'm currently looking at the physics implementation. I've decided to go with ODE over Newton since it has Unix support and Newton currently does not. It also has better documentation, though it will be a little more work to implement. .
As of this week the Newton engine has been ported to Linux and it also works on Macs and windows
also theses comment here:
katoun wrote:For ODE,
I sugest you create a class Object that hold an ISceneNode an IMesh and
dBodyID(this is from ODE) like in the ODE tutorial from Irrlicht.
Hey, I'm glad you finaly choze ODE (as I sugested) because it is easyer to implement trust me on this( I know how hard is with Newton) and besides ODE is faster. .
Do not know if this is correct either, ODE may be faster than Newton but that is just on paper, there has never been a concrete prove of that, just rumors, in ODE cannot sustain for example 10 box stack without auto sleep, so I do not know how this comparison is done when one engine can not solve the problem. Here is the work of some body doing that and see how only Newton and Novodex stack out and pass all the test.
http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... 91&start=0
About Newton been difficult maybe this is a personal opinion it seen that for a group of people is just the opposite.
Just to mention two sample, an here are some of the more advanced implementations:
http://home.versateladsl.be/extremesoft ... 8-2005.avi
http://www.truevision3d.com/download.ph ... arloop.mpg
Those are just few videos from the Newton Showcase site, to prove the maybe Katoun is letting his personal dislike and lack of understanding of the engine to influence his judgment. Or perhaps he can substantiated these claims with some concrete prove.
Anyway I think that your decision to go with ODE is neither wrong nor right, you just picked the engine that better suit your need, but I just thought that a clarification was necessary.