Windows application

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Windows application

Post by aflopera »


I'm working whith Irrlicht .Net with c#.
When I work whith a console application irrlicht create a window to render.

Now when I work whith a windows application I want that Irrlicht do not create a window, I want to render at the Form1 of windows application.

Is that possible?
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Post by AlexL »

I have also been wondering if it at all possible to use a C# Form as a rendering window instead of the default window created by the device. If this is not an option, has anyone been able to create a Irrlicht rendering window inside of wxWindows, If so, would you mind sharing on to how you accomplished this? Thank you for your time :)
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Post by darkraven »

I don't think so as I believe the .NET version is a wrapper of the C++ version so it still uses the C++ version for the actual code and in that code it create its own window. So without editing irrlicht's source I don't think its possible. Then again I could not know what I'm talking about.
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Location: Washington State

Post by AlexL »

darkraven, I believe you to be right about the wrapper. I just wasn't sure, thanks for the clarification :)
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