Irrlicht Websurvey - Please participate

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Irrlicht Websurvey - Please participate

Post by Guest »

We are two students from the University of Gävle in Sweden, and we are currently working on our degree project.
The project is based on comparing two open source 3D-engines. One of them is Irrlicht, and it would help us a lot, if you could participate in this web-survey, and answer some questions.

The survey is completely anonymous, and the data collected will be reviewed by us and no one else.

The survey is located here:


Stefan (& Jens)
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Post by jox »

Interesting. Will you make the results public? What's the other engine?
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Post by MikeR »

I agree. Interesting survey.
I too would like to know what the other engine is, and the results.
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d

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Post by afecelis »

The other engine is Ogre. When you finish answering the survey you can read that in the header (ogre survey)
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Post by jox »

afecelis wrote:When you finish answering the survey you can read that in the header (ogre survey)
Not when I did it.
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Post by afecelis »

heheh, they fixed that as well as some question options. :wink:

Just opened the survey in IE explorer (I took it with firefox) and checked the options they changed (ie.employed had "self-employed" added, etc).

but it was there, unless I entered the twilight zone, too nee nee noo too nee nee noo :D
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Post by afecelis »

or simply take the other survey:

cheers! :D
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Post by Switalski »

I just noticed that I posted as Guest, sorry about that. First of all, thanks for taking part in the survey.

The results will be public, indeed. We will post out entire essay here when it's finished (it's due on the 3rd of june). We're also making the exact same game using Irrlicht, and ..erm.. the other engine and will post the game here as well. The Irrlicht version is more of less finished, the other version is progressing, slowly. The game is nothing fancy though. Just a very basic game. It's not the game itself that is the most important subject in this essay.

And, this isn't a review where we will decide who's the "winner". We will just compare the two engines, pros and cons etc.

afecelis: you weren't in the Twilight Zone... we forgot to change the title. :oops:
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Post by afecelis »


I'd love to see both versions of the game.

plz let us know of the results and make the games downloadable. :wink:

ps. And don't worry, you don't have to say "the other engine", Ogre is not a forbidden word here, ehehehe :D
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Post by AssiDragon »

This reminds me of MAGE a bit - that was (is?) also aiming at doing games for both Irr and OGRE. :)
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Post by niko »

Switalski wrote:And, this isn't a review where we will decide who's the "winner". We will just compare the two engines, pros and cons etc.
Sounds interesting, looking forward to it. :)
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Post by Switalski »

The survey is now closed since we need some time to evaluate the results. Thanks for responding to the survey, we appreciate it! In total we had 42 respondants.

The results will be published in some form here later. We'll keep you updated.
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