Flaming on Cipher Forum

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Post by AlexL »

toxinid, in regards to seeing a nicely built and feature rich tech demo; I don't believe you'll get one. The reason isn't being that Irrlicht can handle it graphicly, but it being that Irrlicht doesn't have to sell it's self with a nice tech demo as it's an open source engine and there are no fees attached. In compairison to Cipher, which is a commercial engine and has to provide a visualy pleasing tech demo in order for there to be business. These are just the thoughts in my head currently on this matter, I just woke up and it's to early for me to get in depth ;)
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Post by afecelis »

I agree 100% with AlexL ! :D
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Post by darkraven »

Hi there, I was just wondering a couple of things. Why do people always compare software that is comercial where you have to buy it with free opensource software. People complain that irrlicht isn't as good as Cipher engine or other engines that you have to pay for? I'm not going to say which is which since I've never tried these comercial engines but it does bring my curiousity up that comercial software is having to compare itself with free open source software. Should they be comparing there engin with other comercial engines. Your trying to sell your product and trust me in this world when you mention your competition is offering free software people are going to want to try it first before forking over the bucks for your product.

Second why do people compare complete game engines with 3d engines. They are completely different. Irrlicht is a 3D rendering engine. It has some small features that allow for simple game orientent functions but in all it is to render 3d worlds and make the graphics visually appealing. With the help of 3rd party free sdk's one could make great games that can compare with these comercial game engines. Yes you have to use multiple libraries but come on its Free.

And third thought on the documentation question or the lack of documentation question I have seen a lot of, what do people think Good Docs would be? This is a programming library or sdk in a ways. The documentation does its job in telling what each function does. If you go to Microsoft's directx development site you will not really find much different documention on it except describing what each function does. This is what books and this forum and now the wikki is for. Are good docs where some one tells you exactly how to program a great game step by step so when you go out to make your own you program not in a style you find but a style that this other person told you how to do it. To me that's not programming. Programming to me is creating something new and digging into something deep and finding out how it is done on your self no with someone holding your hands. Help is great that's why this forum is great. Documentation is in the Forum.

Well that was my 2 cents. Sorry about the ranting. Hehe.

Irllicht is easy to learn for beginners like me so I'm sticking with it. When you need something that isn't in one peice of software you just move on up the chain. That's how life is. :)
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Post by blackbirdXXX »

Hey, hey. Please note that Irrlicht was programmed by one programmer. Niko has done a really great job and I admire his great knowledge of 3D programming.
The engine works and is very fast. There is also a Linux version available and its running out-of-the box with only some small problems with the render.
If you don't like the engine, don't use it. Fullstop. :wink:
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Post by dakz0rz »

Cipher had some nasty fights about their site design with Garagegames in their early days. Good thing they're different now :wink:
It wasnt really Cipher vs GarageGames, it was RikH (Cipher's owner) vs the GG community...

http://www.garagegames.com/mg/forums/re ... p?qt=10994
Hey, hey. Please note that Irrlicht was programmed by one programmer.
Rik was the only programmer, working on the Cipher Game Engine and its games/demos. Some of its demos made by Cipher were complete in a small amount of time, i.e. the split screen racer made in 2 weekshttp://www.cipherengine.com/submit/view.php?i=15

@Alex: How else can you test an game/graphics engines capabilities if you dont have hi-res, hi-poly and other good looking stuff tossed at you on the screen and a good fps while all this stuff is on the screen?
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Post by AlexL »

dakz0rz, I never stated that there was another way to examine an engine's abilities in rendering. I was just stating that Irrlicht does not have the same need that Cipher does for a feature rich tech demo; as Irrlicht is not a commercial engine. If your needing to have a tech demo of Irrlicht, then prehaps you could make one using the same media that is used in the temple demo of Cipher, so you could see the diferances of the engines with the exact same scene.


Post by Voltare_ »

in terms of documentation....irrlicht is very well documented for an open source project.....but to really get a gist of what irrlicht....and cipher for that matter, needs....look at the documentation for reality factory..........
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Post by afecelis »

Yup, but reality factory has got a commercial version that helps them support the project. When you buy the pro version you get a very well elaborated book.
....irrlicht is very well documented for an open source project.....
I must also agree to that! :wink:
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