Where to start??

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Where to start??

Post by Shlangton »

I took a look at the engine.
Looks pretty easy to make games with.
Now for a question..

1. I have Irrlicht version 0.10.0.
2. I don't own visual studio.net
3. I do not have time to learn C++.
4. Downloaded SharpDevelop in an alternative to VS.NET, imported one of the example projects to SD, successfully compiled it, but won't run.
5. Ruby's bindings for Irrlicht is hardley ever updated.
6. Python's binding requires VS.NET.

What links can I find for bindings of different programming languages that doesn't require VS.NET?

Post by phi »

I think there is a Irrlicht Wrapper for PowerBasic (http://www.dracsoft.com/viewdownload.php?id=26) and for BlitzBasic (http://www.blitzcoder.com/cgi-bin/showc ... omments=no).

To point 4. - what error message do you get?
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Post by X_for_Extra »

Venom (a python irrlicht api) does not require .NET. But.. it is kind of hard to get started with unless you have some experience with the engine. I dont think there are any tutorials for venom.

Also, C++ is not as hard as it seems. The tricky struff is usually dealing with MFC and other strange APIs, but with irrlicht its pretty easy actually. I just started learning a few weeks ago and I have been making good progress and had very little frustration.
Should put something witty here I suppose.

Post by Shlangton »

phi wrote:I think there is a Irrlicht Wrapper for PowerBasic (http://www.dracsoft.com/viewdownload.php?id=26) and for BlitzBasic (http://www.blitzcoder.com/cgi-bin/showc ... omments=no).

To point 4. - what error message do you get?
For VB with irrlicht, I'm gettin an error saying that that a file is not found. I did check the file to see if it's in the directory with the program and yes it's thjere but the error still exists..

PowerBasic and BlitzBasic costs large sums of $$$.

Post by Shlangton »

Does anyone here uses #develop with Irrlicht and have the same problem or have a solution to this?

Post by Shlangton »

I finally figured it out.

Had to create a blank default Direct3D project and replace it with irrlicht code along with putting the references in to it.

I am so happy.
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Post by Galaxy613 »

OR you could just import the C# tutorial and place "Irrlicht.dll" and "Irrlicht.NET.dll" in the "bin\Debug" directory of the imported project... Sry for kicking the dead horse :<
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Post by INM8 »

dont use C#:
Its slower than C++, and a bother to properly install. Because of the .NET framework, when I used Visual Studio .NET 2003 on anything and everything and there was ALWAYS problems with EVERYTHING, and it also took me weeks to install the .NET framework because there were all these anoyying installation errors! Other people need this framework to run your programs, and i dont think they would be very fond of taking weeks to install all this crap properly. I use Borland Delphi for C#, and theres ALWAYS LOTS OF ERRORS! Once I get the code working, and send it to my friends, they have LOTS OF ERRORS and it lags like CRAZY! Same on my brother's monster computer.. .NET is crap, well @ least in my opinion. I dont really see the "advantage" microsoft claims to have with .NET. It's also very confusing...

what i recommend:
learn c++, its VERY VERY EASY and doesnt take barely any time at all, it took me a few days to know it, and only a week to 100% know everything about it. after that download dev-c++ (free and easy to use) and use that 2 develop irrlicht.

also, you can use Code::Blocks with the microsoft toolkit 2003 for the complete power of visual studio for FREE! w00t! this will save you much time.

although everything is working fine and you are happy, i just thought i'd let you know.. lol :D
Last edited by INM8 on Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Please do not read this quote. Thank you."

Post by Shlangton »

Actually I am using VisualBasic.NET for my projects basically because it is a lot easier for me to learn.

I had lots of programming language experience with the original BASIC and Visual Basic 6.0.

And I was wondering where I could find some Irrlicht examples with VB.NET.
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Post by INM8 »

sorry, you might want to re-read my last post, i screwed up on alot of stuff i wanted to say. re-read it, and you are using VisualBasic? Whats all this talk about C#?? lol, well yes VisualBasic is very good and runs smoothely.. so stick with that.. and not the $%^& C#!! LoL, sorry, for.. offending C# and .NET users out there.. lol :x
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Post by cassini »

INM8 wrote:dont use C#:
Its slower than C++, and a bother to properly install. Because of the .NET framework, when I used Visual Studio .NET 2003 on anything and everything and there was ALWAYS problems with EVERYTHING, and it also took me weeks to install the .NET framework because there were all these anoyying installation errors! Other people need this framework to run your programs, and i dont think they would be very fond of taking weeks to install all this crap properly. I use Borland Delphi for C#, and theres ALWAYS LOTS OF ERRORS! Once I get the code working, and send it to my friends, they have LOTS OF ERRORS and it lags like CRAZY! Same on my brother's monster computer.. .NET is crap, well @ least in my opinion. I dont really see the "advantage" microsoft claims to have with .NET. It's also very confusing...
It seems you are confused by a lot of thing that other people are not.
Perhaps it is not C# that is slow, maybe it is the user.
I use C# and I also use C++ and there is not difference between the two.

Perhaps you do not know this but the back end binary code generated by visual studio, is he same for C#, Visual Studio, and C++, The only difference is the semantics.
So Perhaps learning how to used the tools instead of blaming it will be more helpful.

Post by Shlangton »

Well for me it's gonna be a lot harder to find my way through here because I plan to use VB.NET because I am very native and been used to the BASIC like language for years now and theres hardly any helpful tutorials for that language anyways.

And don't tell me to learn another programming language simply because it would be like trying to relearn the whole thing over again and simply I won't switch there.

Anyways, I've got everything all set up.
Duncan Mac Leod
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Post by Duncan Mac Leod »

INM8 wrote: learn c++, its VERY VERY EASY and doesnt take barely any time at all, it took me a few days to know it, and only a week to 100% know everything about it.
100% in one week - :lol: - the best joke I've ever heard!
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