The ultimate game idea!!

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The ultimate game idea!!

Post by Guest »

i just thought about something like this (needs a lot of improvements/details etc but its just a "preview" of what i had in mind today)
The Irrlicht Engine Game


One day Niko has the idea to create a 3D graphics engine.
After he has done a little already, he released it to the public.
Soon, the first users registered at the forums and tried irrlicht,
thats what Niko called the engine, out. But after some time the community
wants more and more features and Niko can not handle it anymore, so he
asked the community users to help him out. [insert usernames here] wanted to help
him and so they founded the Irrlicht-Help-Group (IHG). Niko liked the idea,
and now shared his ideas with the IHG. Our brave irrlicht helpers get lots and lots
of tasks that they have to do, or the community will become unpatient and leave

Thats where the player comes in. He is part of the IHG and can play one of
several IHG-Characters ([insert usernames here]). The player has to do the
tasks that Niko gives him at the beginning of our game. Of course, you don´t have
unlimited time. The more time the user needs to complete the mission, a few users
leave Irrlicht (a certain number is defined at the beginning of the mission).
If there are leaving too many users, Niko gets angry and you will get punished,
which means you have to replay the mission, but before you have to complete
an additional task, like "This int array has been mixed up! There are a lot of float
values lying around...go get them before the time goes out, or the compiler will
spit out an ugly error message!"). Missions can be for example:
"The Terrainrenderer is deprecated! You have to find all code-bits and elements
to construct a new one!". Then the player starts the mission and enters a level
that looks similar to TRON (wireframe levels and such, mainly technical themes).
At the end of the level, the player has to combine the elements, like some sort of
puzzle. If he succeeded, the task is complete, Niko will give you credits and
more users come and join the Irrlicht community.

Now, a game without enemies is boring. Thats why the player has to fight against
spammers, n00bs, viruses, hack attacks, spam bots and segmentation faults.

Declaration of the enemies:

Spammers: These enemies will just come into large groups towards the player
so that he cannot continiue until he deletes them.

N00bs: These enemies will come towards the players, will take away his time
(the available time will get lower) and if you dont help them (which costs time
too) they will attack you with "DAMN YOU" or "GO F*CK YOURSELF" messages, which
costs health! Try to help them, or send them to hell!

Viruses: These enemies will just fly towards you and try to defeat you.
Kill them or run ... run quick!

Hack Attacks: These enemies only appear when you have to complete missions
with networking libraries. They attack you on open ports. You can close ports
by collecting up firewall-packs (like medipacks). If they are used up and hackers
are around, ...

Spam Bots: These enemies are similar to spammers. If they spot you, they will
fly in circles around you and you have a certain ammount of time to kill them.
If you dont, the will send email packages to you, which will cost performance

Segmentation Faults: these are no "real" enemies. Its just a field/area
(like a warpzone) which you cannot walk on because then you will get
Segmentation faults.

The player can have these attributes:

Performance (Healh)
Firewall-Packages (Armor)

Both should be easy to understand :)

[removed because of causing nonsense-posts]
more information will come soon, im just too lazy to write any more right now :)

what do you think of this so far? any improvements (or any "dont ever do it, this idea sucks!" posts? :D )
Last edited by Guest on Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by 2camjohn2 »


You're crackers!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I would definately play your game if you made it 8)

Post by Guest »

well i have to some sort of keep this simple, since i dont know if this is not a too big project for me. but its way easier than realtime strategy so i think its absolutely possible :lol:

besides, i bet there does not exist a person on this earth that does not find the game idea funny and crazy :) thats most important


Post by Guest »

You do know that the copyright you have on there isn't legal. You can't put that there unless you actually paid for the patent. And anyone could steal that idea and make it, and you could try to sue, but you would lose.... Copyright is wierd...

Post by Guest »

Copyright Secured Automatically upon Creation
The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright. (See following Note.) There are, however, certain definite advantages to registration. See "Copyright Registration."

Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, and a work is "created" when it is fixed in a copy or phonorecord for the first time. "Copies" are material objects from which a work can be read or visually perceived either directly or with the aid of a machine or device, such as books, manuscripts, sheet music, film, videotape, or microfilm. "Phonorecords" are material objects embodying fixations of sounds (excluding, by statutory definition, motion picture soundtracks), such as cassette tapes, CDs, or LPs. Thus, for example, a song (the "work") can be fixed in sheet music (" copies") or in phonograph disks (" phonorecords"), or both.

If a work is prepared over a period of time, the part of the work that is fixed on a particular date constitutes the created work as of that date.

Post by Guest »

man dont you got other things to do than talk about such things that dont matter? you dont really think i would try to sue someone just because the person "stole" the idea? lol ...

but instead of talking about this boring stuff, any ideas about the story? hey, the story is about the irrlicht community, so a little suggestions/comments/tips or anything you would like to see in it would be great. i currently try to ask a few of my friends here if they have any 2d/3d/programming abilities and like to join the project ... but all i can find are html/php people, video experts or macromedia flash freaks :D i think with a few more people this project wont be a "its too much for me to handle so i cannot continiue" project, which would be sad. im tired of starting projects that i can not get finished (i did this twice and its really not motivating :/ )
Posts: 113
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:28 am
Location: Leeds

Post by Fraza »


Post by Guest »

im speechless about your post too :D
Posts: 602
Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:03 am
Location: Pottstown, PA

Post by Robomaniac »

I half expected the ultimate game idea to be the next big innovation in mmorpg technology ;)
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force

Post by Guest »

mmorpg ? nooooO! no network, no complicated stuff. this should be finished before 2047 :D
Posts: 1772
Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:37 pm
Location: Wonderland

Post by Midnight »

It's about time I see somebody with as much creative talent as myself hell maybe even more I never thought about this one.

I think it's a great idea very "novel" for anyone thats been around Irrlicht awhile.

At this point I would just like to see working projects not a bunch of unfinished boring demo's.

this project reminds me of darwinia see that here

A Moment about copyrights

Copyrights aren't pointless and it's important that everyone know how they work so nobody can claim your ideas for themselfs and go make millions on it. put the copyright back styler.. it belongs there just like you had it.

If you don't know how copyrights work I highly suggest looking into it all artists and writers should know how they work.

Intellectual Property the Product of the Future!

© 2005 Midnight 8)
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