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What's wrong?

Post by ariaci »

Anybody knows an Irrlicht-problem using ATI Radeon 7500 and the latest driver suite Catalyst 3.10?

I have coded a simple program where I can select a simple node. In windowed mode I can't pick up a node correctly. I have to move the mouse cursor under the node to select.
It's the same for all GUI-elements.
I tried to use another resolution to solve the problem. When I'm using 512x384 there is no problem. Everything is ok. But with every other resolution this error or driver bug (I don't know) occured.
I also recognized that the size of the window is everytime the same independent of my resolution. I debugged into the kernel of Irrlicht and up to the window creation (CreateWindow(...)) everything is ok.

Anybody knows something aboput this issue and can help me to correct this problem?

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Location: Vienna, Austria

Post by niko »

No, never heard of this problem. Strange.

I think I solved the problem

Post by ariaci »

Uuhhhhhhhhh! It's strange and hard! I think I've found the bug! It's wasn't a bug in the great Irrlicht-Engine! It's a driver-bug. Don't know why!

To solve the problem do the following:

:o Open the file "CIrrDeviceWin32.cpp"
:) Now go to the constructor

Code: Select all

CIrrDeviceWin32::CIrrDeviceWin32(video::EDriverType driverType, const core::dimension2d<s32>& windowSize, u32 bits, bool fullscreen, bool stencilbuffer, IEventReceiver* receiver, const wchar_t* version)
:D Try to find the following line in this constructor:

Code: Select all

HWnd = CreateWindow(ClassName, "", style, windowLeft, windowTop, realWidth, realHeight, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
:P After the call of the UpdateWindow(HWnd)-Function please place the following code:

Code: Select all

MoveWindow(HWnd, windowLeft, windowTop, realWidth, realHeight, TRUE);
8) Now the problem should be solved!



I only say: s----y buggy ATI driver!

Have fun!
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Posts: 1759
Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:44 am
Location: Vienna, Austria

Post by niko »

Thanks for posting that fix! I added it into the engine. :)
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