Which map compile option?
Which map compile option?
which map compile option should I use? I have always used BSP -meta but irrlicht says it has a bad header if i do that so do I need to use another option?
ab illo cui multum datur multum requiritur
Make sure when you compile the map it does it as Quake3 type bsp. (type 46). If you compile the map as a RTCW (type 47 bsp) you will bad header problems
Last edited by area51 on Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In GtKRadiant edit->preferences->game then change to quake3 in drop down
RTCW, SoF, Heretic II, Doom3 etc all have slightly different BSP formats.
Glanza v
RTCW, SoF, Heretic II, Doom3 etc all have slightly different BSP formats.
Glanza v