OctTreesceneNode crash

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OctTreesceneNode crash

Post by r3i »

I've tried to make this to create a scene :

Code: Select all

  IAnimatedMesh * geometriaScena = smgr->getMesh("./geometrie/aiuola.3ds");
   ISceneNode * Scena;
   if (geometriaScena) 
             Scena = smgr->addOctTreeSceneNode(geometriaScena->getMesh(0)); 
When I run it crash at line 4 (if...)
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Post by area51 »

It's not found the 3ds file, change the path:

Code: Select all

IAnimatedMesh * geometriaScena = smgr->getMesh("geometrie/aiuola.3ds"); 

geometrie being a directory in your main project folder.

Also make sure the file is there, and it's extention is .3ds and not .3DS
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Post by Electron »

if it doesn't find the file then the IAnimatedMesh* should be set to 0 and it shouldnt crash. Thats my experience anyway. But, r3i, do you get any console output?
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.

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Post by r3i »

Hi Electron! Sorry fot the reply time.... my internet connection costs!

I've tried without "./" and it works (thanks!!!!!)
Now I'm using your tip with getmesh(0) : it's allright!

I haven't any output in console except one:

Could not draw triangles, too many primitives 89999 ( maximum is 65539 )

How can I solve this problem?? Splitting the scene??
This is my level...a garden....how can I ?

Thank for all very much
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