my3d Problems

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my3d Problems

Post by r3i »

Hi at all, I'm in a big trouble.
I've a max model to render. I've tried to export it in 3ds but some meshes changes position !
So I've tried to export in my3d format...but when I load the application, it outputs this error

Irrlicht Engine version 0.9
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
OpenGL Renderer
Quadro4 980 XGL/AGP/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Can not find MY_SCENE_HEADER_ID, loading failed!
Could not load mesh, file format seems to be unsupported: geometrie/aiuola.my3d

How can I solve??? This is my code for loading:
IAnimatedMesh * gScena = smgr->getMesh("geometrie/aiuola.my3d");
ISceneNode * Scena;
if (gScena)
Scena = smgr->addOctTreeSceneNode(gScena->getMesh(0));


Thank for yuor time ;)
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Post by Myth »

try .x export. I also have that problem with 3ds, I've read about a fix somewere on these forums. I dunno were.
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Post by afecelis »

you're not setting the textures path:

Code: Select all

//my3d path settings	
    smgr->getStringParameters()->setParameter(scene::MY3D_TEXTURE_PATH, "./data/"); 	
	//load my3d temple scene    
	    scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh;
	    mesh = smgr->getMesh("./data/temple01.my3d");	
use this same folder when you create your materials in max.
Final word; remember each mesh must be separate with its own texture. No multi-layer materials or multitexturing.
Last edited by afecelis on Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by r3i »

Allright thank for all! :D

My trouble is big because I haven't all the textures: moreover the model is big and it's very impossible to split in single meshes.... 80mb of meshes....

Can I ask you what is the best way to manage a world model so large?

I havn't any idea...I've tried to split the model in small parts but after Can I use Collision???

The model will be my world

Thank you so much for your time and your replies Myth and Afecelis
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Post by afecelis »

check this basic tutorial on using my3d with 3dsmax: ... php?t=7494

now, about your meshes; the problem is not their size but their polycount (tris-faces). I just finished putting up a building with lots of detail into it that weighed around 20mb but when trying to export it to my3d, or 3ds (to use my3d in Giles) or to .x I immediately got a warning message saying the model had more than 65.569 (or something around that) faces so exportation was not possible. The solution would be to find a good mesh optimizer to reduce polycount without loosing too much detail. I tried applying a multires modifier in max and reduced my meshes down to 80% but they became weird and ugly. I spent the whole weekend trying to optimize my mesh down to a decent state but it was impossible, so basically the limitation was in the 3d format rather than Irrlicht being able to load it.

So I guess your level being over 80mb will have tons of polys.
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Post by r3i »

Hi Afecelis,
thank you for your reply and your link for the tutorial about my3d.

I supposed that was the poly count.
Now I'll try to search some "poly-optimizer" and if i'll find something i'll tell you.

I'm very happy to "chat via forum" with you :)
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