Midnight wrote:ORGE is the most advanced rendering/game engine available it's not a surprise a lot of people would use it.
However some of ogres faults are..
Complexity.. I have a basic understanding of C++ Irrlicht taught me how to code and Irrlicht is the only thing I can code for.
Bugs.. with more complexity comes more bugs.
Time.. rather this is Irrlichts fault not ogres but ogre has time on Irrlicht which makes it no surprise it's farther along but the END product is the true divider.
Crappy Editors.. that's right I said it mainly the ogre GUI editor.
someday I plan to make guice cross compatible if I actually take it that far.
not to mention ogre is dependent upon CEGUI rather then it's own class which is a complete bitch to use IMO.
Overloaded CRAP CRAP and more CRAP.. Ogre's tutorial examples crashed my computer because my card I had to swap somebody doesn't have shader technology and it crashed it hard too.. Irrlicht has NEVER crashed my computer..EVER
I wouldn't mind having some of orges advanced features in Irrlicht but it'll be a cold day in hell when I switch over to that sloppy engine Irrlicht may be incomplete but it's my ideal of what a graphics engine should be STREAMLINED and niko don't you dare think IRRLICHT the all powerful is even close to comparison of the slop that a lot of other engines are...
OGRE reminds me of unreal engine..so much bullshit that's not even used most of the time that it gives you LOWLOWLOW frame rates and turns great games in video lagging crap on a pedestal.
I haven't read this much crap in ages! Thanks for making my day!
I would like to point out that just because you don't understand something does not make it "CRAP." Because your closed opinion that you are the best and everyone else must bow to you causes this. If its too hard for you, then apparently it should never have been made and is a worthless pile of steaming sh**. Here's something for you to mill over. You are not the center of the universe, everyone does not bow to you. There are people much much smarter then you, and you have to get used to it.
Also, some other points on your post:
1. The GUI editor has no relation to Ogre, but more to CEGUI. The Ogre team does nothing to maintain it. Its a community project.
2. I have gotten higher frame rates on every single computer with the exact same scene in ogre then in irrlicht
3. Read a c++ book.
4. Try adding something complex to irrlicht, and you will see how unstreamlined a lot of the internal design is.
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer Centaur Force
Robomaniac wrote:The engine does not force you to use oop in any way. Most new users also complain about this, as the demos kind've hide all the dirty stuff of initialization etc. I made a tutorial (eventually will continue the series) here: http://centaurforce.sf.net/Ogre_Tutorials/ Tutorial 1 covers setting it up, Tutorial 2 covers making a simple program
It's not particularly difficult to not use ExApp once you're familiar with Ogre and C++ simply by reading ExampleApplication.h and ExampleFrameListener.h. It's all in those two files.
Robomaniac wrote:I would like to point out that just because you don't understand something does not make it "CRAP." Because your closed opinion that you are the best and everyone else must bow to you causes this. If its too hard for you, then apparently it should never have been made and is a worthless pile of steaming sh**. Here's something for you to mill over. You are not the center of the universe, everyone does not bow to you. There are people much much smarter then you, and you have to get used to it.
Also, some other points on your post:
1. The GUI editor has no relation to Ogre, but more to CEGUI. The Ogre team does nothing to maintain it. Its a community project.
2. I have gotten higher frame rates on every single computer with the exact same scene in ogre then in irrlicht
3. Read a c++ book.
4. Try adding something complex to irrlicht, and you will see how unstreamlined a lot of the internal design is.
If you dislike irrlicht so much that you are defending Ogre in the irrlicht official forums, what the gently caress are you doing here?
Go to ogre forums and never come back!
@George Lucas
I used to use irrlicht, very extensively, before i moved on. I like to keep track of its progress, as I think its a very promising engine. I do not hate irrlicht at all. I do believe that some parts coudl be designed better, but that's personal opinion. It is very difficult imho to add stuff to irrlicht graphics wise, but I do find it to have a very braindead simple front end, which is what its good for.
I'm just defending Ogre because people have gotten points wrong, and havign extensively used both engines, I believe that I am a good person to compare the two
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer Centaur Force
Robomaniac wrote:@George Lucas
I used to use irrlicht, very extensively, before i moved on. I like to keep track of its progress, as I think its a very promising engine. I do not hate irrlicht at all. I do believe that some parts coudl be designed better, but that's personal opinion. It is very difficult imho to add stuff to irrlicht graphics wise, but I do find it to have a very braindead simple front end, which is what its good for.
I'm just defending Ogre because people have gotten points wrong, and havign extensively used both engines, I believe that I am a good person to compare the two
There you go. You can talk GOOD about both engines without degrading one or another.
And that's only MY opinion and you can't touch that.
And robo I HAVE made something complex under Irrlicht and I've stated many times I don't understand things. I wasn't calling ogre crap. Learn how to read more thorough.
I got news for ya I have valid points to back up everything i say but once I read "you are a moron" "that's the dumbest poop".
gently caress I don't even have the will to finish this post. take a look in the mirror hypocrites.
All you people do is undermine everything everyone says. And most of you don't even make a valid point.
Guys , do you understand that both projects Ogre3D and Irrlicht are just bloated crap compared to the lower level APIs they are built around ?
For all those years these engines exists and the amount of user base they have, i haven't seen a single commercial quality title based on them.
Of course, you can write simple games using them and much more easier, but when it comes to speed, features, and flexibility programmers often choose C++ instead for ex VB which is simply a wrapper to C/C++.
Go load a complex (for ex knot.x in the media folder) mesh into Irrlicht or Ogre , then load it into DX Mesh viewer(mview.exe) that comes with the SDK and see the FPS yourself.
Also i've been witness of how many years took Irrlicht users to get free lightmaps into the engine.Guys,.. adding one pass lightmaps in DX application using for example Gile exported .x files is about 50 lines of code, and yes it will be using one pass multitexturing and no second mesh.Not to mention it will actually be using your graphics card, you spend so mush dollars for , using VertexBuffers that are way faster to render than any octree implemented using DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP calls.It's tested!
Actually i like irrlicht myself,and i think Ogre is much more bloated, OOP overused , necessary complex.Sometimes it's API seems much more confusing than OpenGl or DX API's. But they are both great things to learn some sort of engine design aspects from, but using them in a complex commercial game...hmm
Most of the people that use Irrlicht, Ogre or any other opensource engine are just hobbyists who like to learn something by e.g. creating a game. They aren't companies who want to create their own U3-engine. Also they aren't going to learn two lower level APIs (DX and OpenGL) and convert all of their code if they want to port it. That's one of the major advantages of these engines. And the speed difference you're talking about is negligible compared to all the extra features and workflow you get.
Priest wrote:Guys , do you understand that both projects Ogre3D and Irrlicht are just bloated crap compared to the lower level APIs they are built around ?
For all those years these engines exists and the amount of user base they have, i haven't seen a single commercial quality title based on them.
Of course, you can write simple games using them and much more easier, but when it comes to speed, features, and flexibility programmers often choose C++ instead for ex VB which is simply a wrapper to C/C++.
Go load a complex (for ex knot.x in the media folder) mesh into Irrlicht or Ogre , then load it into DX Mesh viewer(mview.exe) that comes with the SDK and see the FPS yourself.
Also i've been witness of how many years took Irrlicht users to get free lightmaps into the engine.Guys,.. adding one pass lightmaps in DX application using for example Gile exported .x files is about 50 lines of code, and yes it will be using one pass multitexturing and no second mesh.Not to mention it will actually be using your graphics card, you spend so mush dollars for , using VertexBuffers that are way faster to render than any octree implemented using DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP calls.It's tested!
Actually i like irrlicht myself,and i think Ogre is much more bloated, OOP overused , necessary complex.Sometimes it's API seems much more confusing than OpenGl or DX API's. But they are both great things to learn some sort of engine design aspects from, but using them in a complex commercial game...hmm
Midnight, is that you?
Another fool who knows nothing about nothing useful and just spouts crap with no real points.