Wahoo! I just finished the splitscreen tutorial by Max Winkel. This is fantastic stuff. I am still floored at how easily it is to code stuff for Irrlicht.
Anyway, I'm still playing around with the engine in general. I've modified the splitscreen to show the three views on the right hand of the screen like so (please excuse my pathetic attempt at ASCII art):
|...........................|.......| <----- front view
|...........................|.......| <----- top view
|...........................|.......| <----- left view
|------------------------------ user-controlled view
Thanks for the well written tutorial, Max. We need more tuts, Max!
Other than that, I've started building a source code structure to abstract some of the operations much like the code written by Darkwhoppy for PacBot (thanks, guy! -- although there are some places in the code that I don't fully understand).
I plan on creating a game like the old (1995) lion pc game (where you as the player control the lion and go on hunts to feed yourself and avoid wildlife hunters) by Sanctuary Woods. I think by using additional viewports will enhance the game by showing different perspective of the hunt or show what the other AI lions in your pack (ala the never-release XCOM Alliance) sees. The main user-controlled view will be switchable between 1st person (animal?) or 3rd person view. At any rate, that's the plan.
- JC