camra systems

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camra systems

Post by Guest »

im programming for an opengl-like(not opengl but like it) language

many people rote or translate the scene to make the illusion of the camera movement but i dont want that

so i thought about using the gllookat function but making it look at certain points that would be in a circle to make the camera to rotate

so my problem is

i want a mathematical equation that would return the coordinate(cartesian)

of a point depending on an input angle

i have tried trignometry but causes some strange thing but sort of works

please help

here is a poorly drawn img


Post by Guest »

Change the view tranformation specified by function:
gluLookAt(location, direction, up);
location - camera position
direction - camera view direction
up - vertical direction for view

Post by Guest »

but the func im using says

pos,location to look at,up ector

Post by Guest »

void gluLookAtf32(f32 eyex, f32 eyey, f32 eyez, f32 lookAtx, f32 lookAty, f32 lookAtz, f32 upx, f32 upy, f32 upz);

Post by Guest »

camera view direction is what the camera is looking at that's why
it is called the lookat vector, it is the point that the camera is
aiming at. it is a vector. if you change the vector it changes what the
camera looks at.
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