I FULLY AGREE with the problem of the Automatic Updates from Redmond.
On more than several occassions, I've had to roll back to previous drivers because of those awful auto updates.(and that's just on my machine at home - they are indeed turned off now)
There are indeed problems inherent to MS systems and apps. And yes, their support leaves MUCH to be desired. (check the joke I posted back on page one)
All I was saying in the above post, is that without quantifying a cost comparison statement, it really doesn't mean anything.
There are far too many variables from one sector to the next...hell, even within sectors, depending on management. So, yes, blanket statement are bullshit.
So that was all based on personal experience. Great.
Hardly a market indicator, though.
So *you* don't do IT/MIS yourself? You call someone. Oh, I see. You're an end user...
So I CAN make statements like "this system costs $x per year to maintain and that system costs $y" because I actually do it.
1. as an end user, I CAN certainly refute those statements, because I am the one actually PAYING for it.
And from what I've seen on my check ledger, the Windows system doesn't cost nearly as much as the Linux-sponsored TOC studies claims.
BY THE SAME TOKEN, it is NOT as cheap and easy as MS claims it is.
2. Yes, I am an end user. Similarly, I know how to use an oven to cook, but if the oven breaks, I'd just as soon call a repairman. I rather spend my time cooking.
As I said before, they all have their places, they all have their pros and cons.
I wouldn't trust a Windows system for the render farm. It needs the lean and mean of a custon Linux build.
The vast majority of the apps we use do not have a Linux port or equivalent.