JohnnyAppleseed: Irrlicht Terrain Editor

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"The spin's rooming."

Post by Testur »

Has anyone else encountered the problem of the camera spinnning when you press i?
Paulo R. Oliveira


Post by Paulo R. Oliveira »

Thanks by its great editor. Its exactly what i looking for.
I found 1 or 2 bugs with reader with Irrlicht 0.11:

- I cannot use the getSceneNode( name ) function, it returns always 0.
- Into WMaterial, after loading textures you must do SceneNode->setMaterialType( material->MaterialType ) to make material be set.

Also, in editor, when i load a OctreeSceneNode (3ds), it dont load the first texture (appears black). When i set a material property like lighting it changes only for first texture.

Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:53 am

Post by jerky »

Thanks for the feedback.
I did notice the JohnnyAppleseedReader::getSceneNode error, and have released an updated version. ... nload.html

Please take note that there were other changes as well; they are documented on the above web page.

As for the spinning camera, can you say when it happens and when it doesn't? If you have the camera selected, and try to move it like a regular selected scene node (with the arrow keys, instead of the 'w','s','a','d' keys), strange things can happen.

I did not notice any problems loading materials from files. One thing that I have noticed is that not all materials load equally on all device types. Try looking at DirectX9 vs. OpenGL.

Paulo, can you be more specific on the problems you're having?
check out JohnnyAppleseed: Irrlicht Terrain Editor at

Post by Testur »

jerky wrote: As for the spinning camera, can you say when it happens and when it doesn't? If you have the camera selected, and try to move it like a regular selected scene node (with the arrow keys, instead of the 'w','s','a','d' keys), strange things can happen.
As soon as I press i, the camera starts looking skywards and turn towards the left, soon resulting the camera looking straight up spinning in a counterclockwise direction.

Post by Guest »

I'm not really sure what the "spinning" problem could be. The camera is an irrlicht ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS() camera with the setInputReceiverEnabled() toggled when 'i' is pressed. Do you have this problem with a regular FPS camera?

Post by Testur »

Only the one in appleseed.
Paulo R. Oliveira

Material loading

Post by Paulo R. Oliveira »


About material loading i have the following probl. When i load any mesh, always the first material dont load. If i have a 3ds with, lets say, grass, rock and sand textures, the grass appears black. then if i select the mesh and change lighting to false, only the first submesh (that with no texture) will change. All others stays the same. Its all the same when loading octree, animated and meshscenenodes. If mesh have only one texture, then this texture loads ok. I guess its a probl with .NET version of irrlicht, as when i load scene in my prog with loader, it works as expected. Also, with skybox, after i choose textures, i need to save, clear and load scene to get skybox showing.

With loader, i find a problem that after loading, all materials shows as opaque. After some testings i have found a workaround. Into WMaterial loader, after assigned material to SceneNode, i added SceneNode->setMaterialType( material->MaterialType ). This worked fine. Also, for my own use, i added some code to force loader to look for meshes and textures at same folder the .japl is in. This way i can move my media to other place without missing anything.

NOTE: Im using Dev-cpp + Irrlicht 0.11 + DirectX9[/img]

Paulo R. Oliveira

Post by Guest »

Any news?

Post by Lurnas »

i've got a problem with the loader:

i want to compile the example from ur site but theres a linker error

Code: Select all

JohnnyAppleseedReader.lib(JohnnyAppleseedReader.obj) : fatal error LNK1190: invalid fixup found, type 0x000C
I use Visual Studio 6.0 and Windows XP
Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:53 am

Post by jerky »

i want to compile the example from ur site but theres a linker error
I compiled the .lib file from Visual Studio 7.0 using a "static
library" compile option. To be honest, I'm not really that competant
with all of the options of Visual Studio.

I'd suggest downloading the source code (there's not that much for the
loader) and compiling your own .lib file.
About material loading i have the following probl
JohnnyAppleseed was originally written to only supply 1 material per scene node. I'm currently working on a new version that would allow 2. Perhaps this is the key to this problem. Thanks for reporting those bugs!
Johnny Dee

Post by Johnny Dee »

I wonder why nobody has released a similar editor with sourcecode and cpp output. I think the advantages are obvious. :?:
Posts: 28
Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:29 am

Post by byelan74 »

I do everything in tutorial, but it doesn't work.
when i compile tutorial's code, it has an error

error : 1
Test irrlicht error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall JohnnyAppleseed::Reader::JohnnyAppleseedReader::JohnnyAppleseedReader(class irr::IrrlichtDevice *,bool,bool,bool)" (??0JohnnyAppleseedReader@Reader@JohnnyAppleseed@@QAE@PAVIrrlichtDevice@irr@@_N11@Z) referenced in function _main
error : 2
Test irrlicht error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall JohnnyAppleseed::Reader::JohnnyAppleseedReader::openFile(char const *)" (?openFile@JohnnyAppleseedReader@Reader@JohnnyAppleseed@@QAE_NPBD@Z) referenced in function _main
I do something wrong?
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