Space Web of destroyed Free...

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Space Web of destroyed Free...

Post by GuyTina »

Bonjour tout le Monde.

Hello everyone.

I had free a web space at Free.
I this put the sources of my Demonstration of Irrlicht everyone could recovers it. :D

This company destroed my Web space because it is interdict to store data??? :twisted:

The Web spaces are can be designed to store the human silly thing!!!

Joke with share how to make now? :?:

J'ai traduit mon message avec un logiciel donc attention à la traduction.

Cordialement :D
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Post by Midnight »

I hope this isn't rude but that is some very broken english I'm going to attempt to translate what I understand and answer your question as best I understand it.
Hello everyone.

I had free a web space at Free.
I this put the sources of my Demonstration of Irrlicht everyone could recovers it.

This company destroed my Web space because it is interdict to store data???

The Web spaces are can be designed to store the human silly thing!!!

Joke with share how to make now?
I signed up for free webspace and because I didn't have an actual website they deleted my account for using it as remote data storage.

I've shared the joke now please could you tell me what I did wrong?

or rather... how do I learn html?


Ok I'm not about to give you a lesson on html but almost every free website out there requires it be more then just a data dump.

I suggest you visit this site it's very noob friendly I don't know if you can read it well if not just google these terms "french html tutorials" this is were I learned most of my html knowledge and I found it very useful hope this helps.
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Post by Didine »

English version
As understand it, you have some problems with your web hosting. If you want, you can send me you source code and I'll placed a link in my web site. My email adresse : c.vigean[at]

version française
Si j'ai bien compris, vous avez quelques problèmes avec votre hébergeur. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez m'envoyer par email votre code source que je mettrai en lien sur mon site web. Mon adresse email :
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Post by Reiyn »

Ah, I'm reading this at work and the "silly human things" made me laugh aloud for a minute or so... I feel bad to laugh but yeah.. I found it funny at the time.

I know a lil' french ;) I assumed from the title it'd be an interesting post hehe. I thought: Must be a french poster! :D
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