Could a new method be added to IVideoDriver to allow setting the line width?
Something like -
draw3DLine(vector3df start, vector3df end, SColor color, f32 thickness)
The thickness could default to 1.
Dr. A>
Feature Request: setting line widths
Doubtful I'm using 2d rectangle in place of 2d line because it holds an exact pixel width as apposed to 2d line which slits the 1 pixel line into 2 seperate pixel rows in the center....niko wrote:Right, this would be a nice feature. The only problem is that only OpenGL supports this, I had to emulate it in D3D by drawing multiple lines and this would get slow, maybe.
Code: Select all
2d rectangle
Code: Select all
2d line
I'm confused this thing needs to be fixed or everyone needs to use rectangle instead of line for lines other then angles...which would be nice to have thickness you can always draw saveral though...
so which is this a engine problem or implementation? I just use whats available to make what I'm after and damn the resource cost thats why i spent money on the fancy pc to begin with.