Newton-Irrlicht example...compile problem

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Newton-Irrlicht example...compile problem

Post by MikeR »

I put this here becouse it really isn't an irrlicht problem.

I am compiling the Irrlicht-Newton tutorial.
First, I got an error for too many params in one section, so I reduced it.

Then, I got the following error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'uuid.lib'
I googled, but can't figure out the problem. I can't even figure out where that lib is. :?
Mercior wrote this example.
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d

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Post by Foole »

uuid.lib comes with the Platform SDK. Either you don't have that installed or you don't have its Lib path in your linker libraries path setting.
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Post by MikeR »

That's odd. My linker to the sdk was missing. The link to the includes was still there tho. Oh well. It works now. Thanks.
Now, tomorrow I'll get my avatar in and add some collision to it as well.
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d

Sys specs:
AMD 3700+ 64 processor
1.0 gb ram
e-Geforce 6600 graphics 256 mb onboard ram
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