CCameraFPSSceneNode::setTarget broken?

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CCameraFPSSceneNode::setTarget broken?

Post by tstuefe »

Hi, all,

CCameraFPSSceneNode::setTarget does not seem to work. If I set the Target to <1,1,1>, the resulting normalized vector is something like <-0.5,-0.7,0.5>.

If I use the camera base class CCameraSceneNode, setTarget works fine. Of course I can't move then.

I can't really spot the error, its is non-trivial. There is a Target member and a TargetVector member where I believe the former is the camere lookat, the latter the direction I'm running to, which is not alwas the same.

One thing I noticed though is that TargetVector never seems to get initialized?

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Post by niko »

The problem is, that the setTarget() method in FPSCamera is not correctly implemented. Sorry for that. Will fix this sometime. :)
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