loading normal maps spec maps etc

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loading normal maps spec maps etc

Post by Guest »

how do i load normal maps specular maps and diffuse maps and color maps in irrlicht?
Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:38 am
Location: Szeged, Hungary

Post by WToma »

This depends on the file format you use to store your model file. Try my3d, I think this have the most features regarding materials. (But no animation.)
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Post by Guest »

not a format how do i load them in irrlicht code plz i know you can load them like a texture

Post by Guest »

i just need to be able to load diffuse maps normal maps and a lightmap
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Post by needforhint »

if you set a material texture by setMaterialTexture(..) you implicitly load a diffuse map....to see it just call setMaterialFlag() with video::EMT_SOLID flag, as for the normal map, take a look to perPixelLightning example... as for the lighmap, irrlicht can load 2 textures at one mesh, sooo, a tried load a diffuse and lightmap, but there is no function like "createMeshWithLightmap()" so I can't seem to figure that out :?
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Post by pfo »

I think there are some extra functions you need to call to make normal maps, alpha maps, etc... check the driver class and the mesh manipulator class, they have some extra functions that deal with lightmaps etc....

Sorry I can't be more help, I haven't gotten to this myself yet but I got my eye on it.
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