'Cause contrast of a bright white monitor, and a dark room at night is too much to handle.
If you think that white in't bad, then why is Dos black??? ( and everything other )
CRPG, FRPG, Oblivion Fan
Hater of Counter Strike (i hate it so much damn it)
my gran always used to say "you'll get square eyes!". old wives tale or not, your eyes aren't meant to look directly in to a light source all day. not much we can do about it until monitors are replaced with electronic paper though
cpprules wrote:'Cause contrast of a bright white monitor, and a dark room at night is too much to handle.
If you think that white in't bad, then why is Dos black??? ( and everything other )
Started in the days of B&W Monitors, by using black the monitor lasted longer.
Black boards in schools have been replaced by whiteboards now... its not the brightness thats bad for your eyes, its the contrast. Apparently white chalk is bad on a black board because its such an extreme contrast, so then they started making blackboards greenboards, and now they're white because against white a light blue and a few other colors contrast even less.
As far as dos being black goes, another point is the reason why you have a screensaver. If an image is displayed too long it gets burned onto the screen of your monitor. If black (blank) gets burned in you wont notice it but if white gets burned in everything will be considerably brighter.
i think both white and black boards acclerate the death of teachers
chalk dust has been found to be as bad as smoking
white boards = solvents = brain / liver damage
My desktop is ...... well ..... my work area ... here I download thinkgs, and when I work on a project (export, save, import, convert, open again, create backup etc. etc. etc. etc.) I use desktop cause is a quick path!
As your ship is going down
ll stand by and watch you drown
not sure, but I think there's a FREE alternative out there which you can use for any purpose nowadays... what's it called? luxin? lunix? something like that.