ODE or IrrCollision

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Location: Brazil


use IRRLICHT collision system, its return the point of collision and of corse, if object collided.
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Post by Other »

MACARRAUM wrote:ok ODE is not perfect, but which engine free of physics is perfect? I am working in a commercial project, and we study all current engine for commercial projects (ODE, Newton, Tokamak), and after some tests and discussions, we arrived the opinion that best is the ODE.
I also asked myself wich engine is the best and...
I think the best is to make an abstract layer for the Physic-Engine.
So I started MyWorld, wich have abstract layer for physics and graphics.

Today I believe, that ODE is the best Open project. May be in two month
I change my point of view - but I can just replace ODE through a better
engine without changing my program/game written with MyWorld.

I decided to do MyWorld opensource, so you can join it.

My Irrlicht&ODE-Project: http://www.lofing.de/myworld/
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Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:52 pm
Location: Brazil


now i´m working in car control and player control using ODE for physical simulation, the character physics is more hard to make, but the work progress is good, soo i have something. I need study more ray sensor for check jump and wall collision for make player control perfect :)

Here is my Car physics test:


Download: http://www.thunderstorm.com.br/download ... r_demo.zip 713 KB :D

The demo control is arrows keys and space. F1 or F2 for view bounding box model.
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Post by puh »

MACARRAUM: very impressive!
ODE is not as external dll? Did you compile it in exe itself?
Will source be available? Would be cool!
Last edited by puh on Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:52 pm
Location: Brazil


Hi puh :) thanks!

Yeah, my ODE lib is static for mingw, i´m used for this demo DevCPP, ODE and of course IRRLICHT :lol:

My ODE static lib for mingw - With TriMesh Single Precision ( work in IDE - DevCPP :D ): http://www.thunderstorm.com.br/download ... riMesh.rar

And source release, probable not, its my test of one commercial job.
Posts: 193
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:37 am

Post by elander »

For those of us who just want collision and perhaps quick some stuff around is there a quick tutorial that doesn't require us to take a course in physics to understand it ?

How many lines of code average do you need to had to your game to get collision working with ODE ?
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